International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 28 Issue 2

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Table of contents

Measuring the “managerial” efficiency of public schools: a case study in Italy

Tommaso Agasisti, Francesca Bonomi, Piergiacomo Sibiano

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a methodology to calculate efficiency scores for a sample of Italian primary and middle schools. The main aim is to relate these measures…


The changing demands of academic life in Ireland

Linda Dowling-Hetherington

The consequences of institutional change for faculty is an under-researched aspect of the higher education (HE) sector in Ireland. The purpose of this paper is to report on the…


Developing undergraduate social and emotional competencies: a UK/Malaysian comparison

Stephen Carter, Amy Chu-May Yeo

The purpose of this paper is to investigate similarities and differences between the UK and Malaysian undergraduates in terms of perceived social and emotional competencies (SEC)…


Is the learning organization idea relevant to higher educational institutions? A literature review and a “multi-stakeholder contingency approach”

Anders Örtenblad, Riina Koris

The purpose of this paper is to examine systematically and reflectively the relevance of four different aspects/types of the learning organization idea to higher educational…


Principals and the professional learning community: learning to mobilize knowledge

Stephanie Chitpin

The purpose of this paper is to use the Objective Knowledge Growth Framework (OKGF) in the development and maintenance of the Canadian Principal Learning Network (CPLN) to advance…


Riding the tiger of world university rankings in East Asia: where are we heading?

Philip Hallinger

The region's universities are “riding a tiger” of university rankings in East Asian higher education, in a race to gain in the list of the world's top 100 universities. While this…


Role of perceived organizational support in teachers’ responsiveness and students’ outcomes : Evidence from a public sector University of Pakistan

Ishfaq Ahmed, Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail, Salmiah Mohamad Amin, Talat Islam

Applying the social exchange theory at educational institution, this research endeavor is aimed to find out impact of organizational (institutional) support on teachers’…


Higher education's flawed recession response

William Patrick Leonard

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the reality that recessions experienced by the larger economy also impact the higher education sector, institutional leaders’ failure to…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen