International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 26 Issue 7

Table of contents

Structural equation models of management and decision‐making styles with job satisfaction of academic staff in Malaysian research university

Ismail Hussein Amzat, Datuk Abdul Rahman Idris

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effect of management and decision‐making styles on the job satisfaction of academic staff in a Malaysian Research University.


Who is engaging with whom? Internationalizing opportunities for business schools in emerging economies

Dianne Lynne Bevelander

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the globalization of Business Schools and present different strategies, issues and perspectives on how and why business schools are going…


Organisational learning for school quality and health

Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen

The purpose of this paper is to shed light upon the connections between quality management, employee health and organisational learning in a school setting.


Word of mouth antecedents in an educational context: a Singaporean study

Raymond Teo, Geoffrey N. Soutar

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role service quality, satisfaction and commitment play in word of mouth (WOM) formation among adult learners in Singapore.


A survey of internship programs for management undergraduates in AACSB‐accredited institutions

Eyong B. Kim, Kijoo Kim, Michael Bzullak

The purpose of this paper is to survey the current status of internship programs for Management undergraduate students and to introduce a well‐established internship program.


A study of the impact of the first phase of the curriculum reform on student learning in Hong Kong

Timothy W.W. Yuen, Alan C.K. Cheung, Ping Man Wong

To prepare Hong Kong students to face a rapidly changing twenty‐first century, the Hong Kong Government implemented a major curriculum reform entitled Learning to Learn – The Way…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen