International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 19 Issue 2

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Table of contents

A framework for the utilization of information technology in higher education admission department

Michael McClea, David C. Yen

Through an examination of the admission department at Miami University of Ohio and their use of information technology, a generalized framework for the use of information…


Teachers' perception about the behaviours of school leaders with regard to knowledge management

Cevat Celep, Buket Çetin

This research aims to find out teachers' perception about the behaviors of their school leaders with regard to knowledge management, and the changes in teachers' opinion…


Developing and implementing an online doctoral programme

Colin Combe

This article is a critical reflection of the development and implementation of one of the first online doctoral programmes in the UK set up at the University of Northumbria…


Determinants of business student satisfaction and retention in higher education: applying Herzberg's two‐factor theory

Oscar W. DeShields, Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak

This paper focuses on the determinants of student satisfaction and retention in a college or university that are assumed to impact students' college experience.


Student perceptions of school culture and achievement: testing the invariance of a model

George A. Marcoulides, Ronald H. Heck, Constantinos Papanastasiou

This study examined the generalizability of a previously validated model concerning how student perceptions of school culture affect student achievement.


Consumerism in education: A comparison between Canada and the United Kingdom

Ina Freeman, Michael Thomas

With the emergence of the knowledge economy different countries are responding with changes within their tertiary education systems. Education is increasingly recognized as a…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen