International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 14 Issue 6
Table of contents
Status of Higher Secondary Schools Scheme in the Punjab Province of Pakistan
Khalid Mahmood, Muhammad SaeedBasically aims at exploring whether a single definitive structure for secondary and higher secondary education is appropriate for Pakistan or not. The results show that the…
The impact of group selection on student performance and satisfaction
Sakthi Mahenthiran, Pamela J. RouseInvestigates whether the performance and attitudes of students could be improved by giving them some control over the group selection process. Groups were formed either by…
Rethinking staff development in Kenya: agenda for the twenty‐first century
Zachariah Wanzare, Kenneth L. WardThe Kenyan Government, being concerned about the quality of school education, is attempting to increase teacher effectiveness and student learning. To achieve these goals, current…
The Star Trek phenomenon: towards a typology of curricula in information management
Jennifer Rowley, Frances SlackUses the metaphor of Starship Enterprise to elucidate the nature of roles in information management, and as a basis for identifying some key aspects of curricula in information…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen