International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 12 Issue 6
Table of contents
A principal’s interruptions: time lost or time gained?
A. Ross Thomas, John AyresThe article notes that, sometimes explicitly but always implicitly, the “time management” literature condemns interruptions. The article reports on two studies of interruptions…
Unlocking the culture for quality schools: reengineering
L. David WellerSuccessful school reform requires a paradigm shift which begins with unlocking the school’s existing culture before attempts are made to integrate reform variables. Reengineering…
Calculating the cost of an undergraduate Initial Teacher Education (ITE) course
Neil BurtonThrough a documentary analysis approach, the data included in the validation documentation for a new course designed for undergraduate Initial Teacher Education are used in an…
Distance learning: short‐term gain, long‐term commitment ‐ a case study
Cheryl HuntPresents a case study illustrating practical management and quality issues which have underpinned the transition of a Master of Education course from a traditional to a distance…
Best practices in information technology (IT) management: insights from K‐12 schools’ technology audits
Steve O. MichaelInformation regarding best practices of information technology (IT) management in K‐12 schools provides school leaders with a basis for developing their own IT systems or…

0951-354XOnline date, start – end:
1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen