Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 9 Issue 3

Table of contents

The Use of Customer Portfolio Theory: An Empirical Survey

David A. Yorke, George Droussiotis

The development of a customer portfolio is a logical process forthe development of a business. Conceptual work, using a range ofindependent variables, has been undertaken in the…


Removing Salesforce Performance Hurdles

Emin Babakus, David W. Cravens, Ken Grant, Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge

Examines how sales managers can affect and improve salesforceperformance. Describes the similarities and differences between high‐and low‐performance salesforces and the ways in…


The Americans with Disabilities Act 1990: Guidelines for Industrial Sales Managers

Cathy Owens Swift, Jane P. Way, Robert Wayland

Explains for sales managers the provisions of the Americans withDisabilities Act 1990, which provides protection for all disabled UScitizens. Provides guidelines for industrial…


The Future of Original Equipment Manufacturers: A Matter of Partnerships

Paul A. Herbig, Bradley S. O′Hara

Examines the traditional adversarial relationship between originalequipment manufacturers and their larger corporate customers andcompares it with the new partnership arrangement…


Organizational Purchasing of Professional Services: The Process of Selecting Providers

Ellen Day, Hiram C. Barksdale

Stresses the importance of professional service provider selectionand the potentially disastrous financial penalty for error made by aclient organization. Identifies problems with…


Network Anatomy of Industrial Marketing and Purchasing of New Manufacturing Technologies

Arch G. Woodside

Examines the central proposition that the marketing‐purchasing ofnew industrial manufacturing technologies involves the development (notnecessarily a planned design) of a new…


Marketing to the Family Firm: A New Consideration for Business‐to‐Business Marketers

Karen Maru File, Judith L. Mack, Russ Alan Prince

There are increasing signs that business‐to‐business marketers aretargeting the 50 percent of all US companies which are family firms. Newtheory from the family business studies…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez