Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 7 Issue 3
Table of contents
Multiple or Single Sourcing?
Raydel Tullous, Richard Lee UtrechtExamines the combinations available to purchasers regarding theselection of suppliers (sources), e.g. the use of a single or two ormore (multiple) sources. Considers the…
Managing Product Line Mismatch with Distributors
David R. DeckerConsiders the conflict between manufacturers products′ sellingrequirements and the dominant sales strategy of the distributor, thelatter resulting in pricing and stock‐holding…
How Medium‐market‐share Companies Achieve Superior Profitability
Ann T. Kuzma, William L. ShanklinExamines the position of medium‐market‐share companies in relationto their smaller and larger counterparts and compares the inherentcompetitive advantages and disadvantages…
Managing the “S” Curves of Innovation
Rick BrownConsiders the development of the culture of innovation and how theconcept can be beneficial in business. Examines the application ofmarketing innovation (new products) and…
The Need for Marketing in Entrepreneurship
Robert D. HisrichConsiders the need to relate marketing and entrepreneurship interms of areas such as innovation and product development. Examines theimpact that marketing and its sales…
Industrial Vendors′ Selling Center: Implications for Sales Management
S. Joe PuriDiscusses the ever increasing sophistication of buyers in today′sindustrial market and the need for sales people who have an in‐depthknowledge of their customers′ products and are…

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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez