Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 39 Issue 4

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Table of contents

Disruptive AI: the response depends on the buyer’s political ideology

Patrick van Esch

The recent pandemic disrupted the way in which businesses transact with each other. In response to maintaining cleanliness in business-to-business (B2B) settings, artificial…


I want what they have: the impact of salesperson envy on customer relationships amid organizational disruption

Tyler Hancock, Michael L. Mallin, Ellen B. Pullins, Catherine M. Johnson

This study aims to use cognitive appraisal theory to explain how organizational disruption influences the development of envy resulting in unethical selling practices, turnover…


Drivers of business-to-business sales success and the role of digitalization after COVID-19 disruptions

Rodrigo Guesalaga, Jose L. Ruiz-Alba, Pablo J. López-Tenorio

The purpose of this study is to investigate the drivers of business-to-business (B2B) sales success and the role of digitalization, in a selling and sales management landscape…


Inflection points during a disruptive event: planning within the sales force

Ryan L. Matthews, Brian N. Rutherford, Lucy M. Matthews, Diane R. Edmondson

This paper aims to investigate business-to-business sales executives’ navigation of challenges and changes in planning during two separate periods (prevaccine and postvaccine) of…


Understanding the enduring shifts in sales strategy and processes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

Marta Giovannetti, Arun Sharma, Deva Rangarajan, Silvio Cardinali, Elena Cedrola

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to major sales strategy and process changes as many interactions migrated from face-to-face to virtual environments. The nature of the interactions…


Not the way it used to be: B2B interactions in the era of ecosystems

Brandon Gustafson, Nadia Pomirleanu, Babu John-Mariadoss

The COVID pandemic has prompted B2B and industrial marketing scholars to understand more about how external disruptions impact parties involved in B2B transactions. This paper…


Effect of the pandemic on professional selling: an exposition of different selling styles using theories-in-use approach

Mohd Atif Aman, Mohammad Khalid Azam, Asif Akhtar

This study aims to identify the changes in different selling situations/styles during and post-COVID scenarios.


Modeling the influence of management control system and ambidextrous behavior on B2B customer relationships: a job demand-resource perspective

Muhammad Irfan, Bilal Ahmad

Service–sales ambidexterity (SSA) offers sales managers crucial information about dealing with customer service failures through an effective management control system. This study…


Actor roles emergence through actor engagement: an SD logic perspective

Anees Wajid, Osman Sadiq Paracha, Muhammad Mustafa Raziq

Emergence is a key concept in service-dominant (SD) logic; however, the literature is neonatal on the underlying mechanisms that lead to emergence within service ecosystems. This…


Does enabling control systems and relational capabilities foster conflict management in innovation ecosystems?

Thiago Tomaz Luiz, Anderson Betti Frare, Ilse Maria Beuren

This paper aims to analyze the effects of enabling management control systems (MCSs) and relational capabilities (interorganizational learning and coordination) on conflict…


The moderating effect of supply chain collaboration on servitization

Jose L. Ruiz-Alba, Anabela Soares, Miguel Angel Rodríguez-Molina

Supply chain collaboration (SCC) is an important element that contributes to enhanced performance. Nonetheless, there is still a need to understand its role in servitization…


Inter-firm coopetition and innovation in industrial clusters: the role of institutional support

Rui Xu, Xiaoxuan Zhu, Yu Wang, Jibao Gu, Christian Felzensztein

Innovativeness is crucial for industrial cluster firms to gain sustained competitive advantage. This study aims to investigate the effects of inter-firm coopetition on firm…


Customer participation in manufacturing firms’ new service development: the moderating role of CRM technology

Todd Morgan, Wesley Friske, Marko Kohtamäki, Paul Mills

This paper aims to examine how customer participation in new service development (NSD) and customer relationship management (CRM) technology can improve the NSD performance of…


The effect of strategic supply management on operational and innovation performance: the mediating role of external supply resources mobilization

Caillin Zhang, Suicheng Li, Xinmeng Liu, Jing Li

Based on the resource orchestration perspective, this study aims to explore whether and how strategic supply management (SSM) affects firms’ operational performance (OP) and…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez