Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 38 Issue 7

Table of contents

The mediating role of cooperative norms in the formation of buyer commitment in the buyer–seller relationship

Valter Afonso Vieira, Robert Mayberry, James Boles, Julie Johnson-Busbin, Rita Cassia Pereira

Drawing on Foa and Foa’s elaboration of social exchange theory, the authors propose that buyers reciprocate perceived commitment on the part of the salesperson and supplier with…


Knowledge management process as a mediator between collaborative culture and frugal innovation: the moderating role of perceived organizational support

Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Jianhua Zhang, Sajjad Alam, Ziao Cao, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Mubashir Ahmad

Drawing on the knowledge-based view (KBV), the purpose of the study is to examine the impact of collaborative culture (CC) on frugal innovation (FI). It also advances insight into…


The quality of case studies on new product development: state of the art and future prospects

Jinfeng Wang, Luyao Zhang, Kuo-Yi Lin, Lijie Feng

The desired outcome in the new product development (NPD) effort is the timely commercialization of a profitable product. Whether marketing can benefit from the NPD case study is a…


The acceleration of digital communications in the durable goods industry. A study on white goods firms after COVID-19

Lala Hu, Mirko Olivieri

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how business-to-business (B2B) companies operating in durable goods use digital communications after the COVID-19 outbreak. In…


Actor engagement: origin, evolution and trends

Ana María Barrera Rodríguez, Edison Jair Duque Oliva, Jaime Andrés Vieira Salazar

This paper aims to present the literature review on engagement in marketing, specifically on the concept of actor engagement (AE), to identify the most influential countries…


The dissolution of strategic manufacturer–industrial supplier relationships: are insights from the investment model valid and predictive?

Yi-Su Chen, Tsai-Shan S. Shen, Manus J. Rungtusanatham

The purpose of this study is to assess the validity and predictability of insights from the investment model (IM) in the context of strategic manufacturer–industrial supplier…


The role of communication between partners in the process of strategic alliances: a systematic literature review

Mariana Namen Jatobá, Mário Franco, Margarida Rodrigues

The formation of alliances between organisations is increasingly common, allowing firms to discover and ensure competitive advantages. This research paper aims to make a critical…


Patterns of international marketing strategy

Carl Arthur Solberg, François Durrieu

This paper aims to explore different strategic avenues in international markets. In particular, the authors investigate the role of four marketing tactics – marketing network…


The role of supply chain resilience and absorptive capacity in the relationship between marketing–supply chain management alignment and firm performance: a moderated-mediation analysis

Mohammad Asif Salam, Saleh Bajaba

This paper aims to adopt a resource-based view (RBV) to investigate the link between marketing (MRKT)–supply chain management (SCM) alignment, supply chain resilience (SCR) and…


The evaluation of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Turkish manufacturing sector using AHP-TOPSIS methods

Zeynep Özgüner, Mert Özgüner, Yakup Durmaz

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of COVID-19 on the Turkish manufacturing sector by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference…


Critical incidents and dissatisfaction in B2B relationships: an appraisal theory analysis

Laura Pascual-Nebreda, Pablo Cabanelas, Alicia Blanco-González

There are numerous studies on satisfaction, but not enough on dissatisfaction when its consequences can be harmful. This study aims to examine different unsatisfactory situations…


Dual innovation of the business model: the regulatory role of entrepreneurial orientation in family firms

Jingguang Ge, Leiming Li

Family farms are seen as a powerful force for rural development, and they are gaining more and more research attention. This study aims to explore the relationship between the…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez