Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 38 Issue 2

Table of contents - Special Issue: Challenges and opportunities for increasingly turbulent times in business markets.

Guest Editors: Jose L Ruiz-Alba, Miguel Rodríguez-Molina, Anabela Soares

Putting the “service” into B2B marketing: key developments in service research and their relevance for B2B

Jochen Wirtz, Christian Kowalkowski

The business-to-business (B2B) marketing literature is heavily focused on the manufacturing sector. However, it is the B2B service sector that shows the highest growth in gross…


The challenges of B2B innovation: using marketing analytics to plan and implement a successful digital catalog adoption

R. Dale Wilson, Anna M. Stephens

This study aims to demonstrate how marketing analytics can be used to identify the challenges a B2B company faced in the conversion from a hard-copy print catalog to a digital…


How can machine tool builders capture value from smart services? Avoiding the service and digitalization paradox

Bart Kamp, Kristina Zabala, Arantza Zubiaurre

This paper aims to assess the existence of, or the risk of running into, a smart service paradox for industrial firms and how to overcome it.


Digitalization in B2B marketing: omnichannel management from a PLS-SEM approach

Javier Alonso-Garcia, Federico Pablo-Marti, Estela Núñez-Barriopedro, Pedro Cuesta-Valiño

The purpose of this paper is to establish a reference model that will allow us to understand the factors that influence the omnichannel management of an organization in a…


Toward a contextualized understanding of inside sales: the role of sales development in effective lead funnel management

Harri Terho, Anna Salonen, Meri Yrjänen

The purpose of this study is to provide a contextualized understanding of how business-to-business (B2B) firms use the sales development function for efficient and effective lead…

Open Access.

The cultural factors in global account management: the case of Indian buyers and German suppliers

Nayan Kadam, Barbara Niersbach, Bjoern Sven Ivens

This study aims to investigate the cultural factors that influence global account management (GAM) in the context of Indian buyers and German suppliers from a wide perspective.


The integration of logistics and marketing practice into baseline supply chain practices in the emerging markets

Kofi Dadzie, Charlene Dadzie, Wesley J. Johnston, Evelyn Winston, Haizhong Wang

This study aims to draw on the strategy–structure–performance framework to investigate baseline supply chain (BSC) practices as a function of how firms structure logistics and…


Balanced centricity: a joint institutional logic within open collaborative ecosystems

María José Quero, Cristina Mele

This paper aims to examine the change of institutional logics in actors’ practices within crowdfunding platforms, seen as open collaborative ecosystems.

Open Access.

Platform ecosystem development in an institutionalized business market: the case of the asset management industry

Leeya Hendricks, Paul Matthyssens

This study aims to investigate the impact of an institutionalized market context on platform ecosystem development. It studies how platform ecosystems are set up and evolve in the…


Emotional mechanics of gamification and value co-creation: the digital platform Nike+ as a B2B2C ecosystem

Cristina García-Magro, María-Luz Martín-Peña, José María Sánchez-López

This study aims to investigate the impact of utilitarian, hedonic and social emotional mechanics in gamified digital platforms on the components of value co-creation.

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez