Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 38 Issue 13

Table of contents

An ICT-based start-up entering maritime logistics networks: facilitation of value cocreation patterns

Aysu Göçer, Ceren Altuntas Vural, Frida Lind

This study aims to explore how a start-up entering maritime logistics networks (MLNs) in the container shipping industry integrates resources underlying value cocreation patterns…

Open Access.

Exploring the effects of SMEs’ platform-based digital connectivity on firm performance – the moderating role of environmental turbulence

Anni Rajala, Tuire Hautala-Kankaanpää

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often operate in environments marked by high levels of turbulence. Such firms adopt digital technologies and platforms that provide…

Open Access.

Stakeholder contributions to commercialization and market creation of a radical innovation: bridging the micro- and macro levels

Anil Engez, Leena Aarikka-Stenroos

Successful commercialization is crucial to innovative firms, but further investigation is needed on how diverse stakeholders can contribute to the commercialization of a radical…

Open Access.

Word-of-mouth in business-to-business marketing: a systematic review and future research directions

Ryuta Ishii, Mai Kikumori

The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the status of word-of-mouth (WOM) research in the business-to-business (B2B) context and discuss and identify new possible…

Open Access.

Supporting value co-creation through interaction during the pre-purchase customer journey: empirical evidence from B2B HR services

Elina Lassila, Eija-Liisa Heikka, Satu Nätti

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of interaction in supporting value co-creation during pre-purchase customer journey stages when selling professional B-to-B…

Open Access.

Quantum game perspective on green product optimal pricing under emission reduction cooperation of dual-channel supply chain

Yu-Chung Chang

From the quantum game perspective, this paper aims to study a green product optimal pricing problem of the dual-channel supply chain under the cooperation of the retailer and…

Open Access.

The incompatibility of proactive market orientation and postponement strategy in product differentiation

Sho Yuki, Tomokazu Kubo

Previous studies have found that a proactive market orientation (PMO) has a positive effect on product differentiation and innovation and that the effect is contingent on various…

Open Access.

Introducing smart services: requirements and interconnections in multi-actor cooperation

Khadijeh Momeni, Eija Vaittinen, Markus Jähi, Miia Martinsuo

Smart services have gained attention both among academics and practitioners, but manufacturing firms struggle in getting their new smart services extensively adopted by customers…

Open Access.

A systematic review of customer behavior in business-to-business markets and agenda for future research

Ricardo Godinho Bilro, Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, Pedro Souto

The purpose of this paper is to offer a comprehensive overview of current research on customer behavior in the business-to-business (B2B) context and propose a research agenda for…

Open Access.

Critical factors for involvement in customers’ product development: an SME perspective

Filip Flankegård, Glenn Johansson, Anna Granlund

This paper aims to identify critical factors that influence small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers’ involvement in their customers’ product development and contrast…

Open Access.

Critical incidents and supplier satisfaction - investigating tipping points in a seller’s market

Kim Janssens, Cees J. Gelderman, Jordy Petersen

The main purpose of this research is exploring the tipping points for a radical shift in supplier (dis)satisfaction. This study identifies triggers and links them to consequences…

Open Access.

Network dynamics and action space

Lars-Erik Gadde, Håkan Håkansson

In today’s business settings, most firms strive to closely integrate their resources and activities with those of their business partners. However, these linkages tend to create…

Open Access.

What drives the successful launch of IoT-related business models?

Christine Falkenreck, Grzegorz Leszczyński, Marek Zieliński

Customer value perception of Internet of Things (IoT)-based services has not been studied in the context of a company’s readiness to adopt IoT technology. The purpose of this…

Open Access.

Identifying factors needed for business actor engagement in sustainable development goal (SDG) initiatives

Elena Anastasiadou, Jimmie Röndell, Magnus Berglind, Peter Ekman

This study aims to offer a mid-range theory conceptualization of factors central to understanding and facilitating business actor engagement (BAE). Reports on a study of real…

Open Access.

No concept is an island: conceptualising (in) the industrial network approach

Anna Dubois, Klas Hedvall, Viktoria Sundquist

The purpose of this paper is to inquire into how conceptualising is done in the industrial network approach (INA).

Open Access.

A circular innovation strategy in a supply network context: evidence from the packaging industry

Chiara Luisa Cantu, Annalisa Tunisini

The research question is how can a company implement a circular innovation in a supply network context? Leveraging the main conceptual and interpretative models of the industrial…

Open Access.

Mastering customer lock-in by servitization innovation strategies of asset specificity

Wen-Hong Chiu, Zong-Jie Dai, Hui-Ru Chi

This study aims to explore how manufacturing firms master customer lock-in through value creation by servitization innovation strategies from the perspective of asset specificity.

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez