Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 37 Issue 2

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Relationships and networks as a chiasmic mirroring of ideas/images translated in context through ritual embodied activities

Sid Lowe

The purpose of this study is to enhance and further an understanding of business to business (B2B) contexts in relation to sensemaking “translations” between “performing” and…


Links between influence strategies and satisfaction: reexamination from the dyadic and network perspectives

Yi Liu, Ting Liu, Yuan Li, Liyang Ruan

Previous studies have investigated the influence strategy–economic satisfaction links within a pairwise framework. This study aims to reexamine this issue in a network context…


Influence of new product development best practices on performance: an analysis in innovative Brazilian companies

Tiago Ribeiro de Araujo, Daniel Jugend, Marcio Lopes Pimenta, Gessica Mina Kim Jesus, Gladys Dorotea Dorotea Cacsire Barriga, José Carlos de Toledo, Ari Melo Mariano

This study aims to propose and test a research framework for analyzing the relationship between new product development (NPD) best practices and performance in companies that…


Impact of customer focus on technology leadership via technology development capability – a moderated mediation model

Zafar Husain, Mumin Dayan, Sushil , C. Anthony Di Benedetto

This study aims to develop and empirically examine a model that investigates the mediating role of technology development capability (TDC) on the relationship between customer…


The effects of green brand equity on green word of mouth: the mediating roles of three green factors

Rasoul Mehdikhani, Changiz Valmohammadi

This study aims to investigate the effects of green brand equity (GBE) on green brand attachment (GBA), green self-brand connection (GSBC), green brand attitude (GBAT) and green…


Supply chain governance: a conceptual model

Franciele Bonatto, Luis Mauricio Martins de Resende, Joseane Pontes

This paper aims to clarify ambiguous results from previous research on the relationship between contextual factors, trust and supply chain governance (SCG).


Client opportunism in agency-client relationship: the role of information asymmetry, agency response and calculative commitment

Kambalor Ramakrishna Jayasimha

The focus is on how agencies can mitigate client opportunism in an agency-client relationship (ACR), particularly during the agency selection stage involving a pitch. This paper…


A transaction cost approach for public procurement

Aksel I. Rokkan, Sven A. Haugland

This paper aims to develop a theoretical framework based on transaction cost economics that identifies key factors shaping public agencies’ governance of supplier relationships…


Relational key account management: insights from the Middle Eastern context

Nada Saleh Badawi, Moustafa Battor, Saeed Badghish

The purpose of this study is to explore relational aspects of key account management (KAM) in terms of social capital and relationship quality. The second objective was to…


How open innovation practices drive innovation performance: moderated-mediation in the interplay between overcoming syndromes and capabilities

María Isabel Roldán Bravo, Antonia Ruiz Moreno, Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Irene Huertas-Valdivia

This paper aims to investigate whether and under what conditions open innovation (OI) drives innovation performance (IP) in the financial sector. To this end, the paper first…


The effect of equity on value co-creation in business relationships

Samir Gupta, Jing Zhou, Shanfei Feng, Munyaradzi W. Nyadzayo

This study aims to investigate how the relationship factors, including equity, shared responsibility and relationship dependence leverage the value co-creation. The research…


A holistic model of dynamic capabilities and environment management system towards eco-product innovation and sustainability in automobile firms

Samer Al-Shami, Nurulizwa Rashid

Environmental pollution has emerged as a major concern in the 21st century following the introduction of sustainable development (SD) by the year 2030, whereby one of the…


Customer prioritization, product complexity and business ties: implications for job stress and customer service performance

Volkan Yeniaras, Ilker Kaya

Drawing on the theoretical lens of the job demands-resources model, this study builds upon and tests a conceptual model that links customer prioritization, product complexity…


Does formalization or centralization mitigate uncertainty in knowledge-intensive procurement?

Daniel D. Prior, Lakshi Karunarathne Hitihami Mudiyanselage, Omar Khadeer Hussain

This study aims to assess the following question: “which information processing approach, formalization or centralization, responds to procurement complexity and how does this…


Driving forces of repurchasing social enterprise products

Hsueh Ling Wu, Tser Yieth Chen, Bo Heng Chen

This paper aims to use utilitarian benefits, hedonic benefits and corporate social responsibility to influence the consumer’s sense of brand identity and brand trust in social…


Impact of novel information technology on IT alignment and sustainable supply chain performance: evidence from Chinese manufacturing industry

Shushan Zhang, Lei Sun, Qi Sun, Haiying Dong

This paper aims to explore how the novel information technology (NIT) [1] affects three dimensions of sustainable supply chain performance (economic performance, environmental…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez