Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 36 Issue 5
Table of contents
Purchasing behaviour and supplier base evolution – a longitudinal case study
Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde, Lars-Gunnar MattssonThe purpose of the paper is to describe and analyse the evolution of the supplier base of a buying firm and the reasons behind these changes.
Exploring the factors influencing the adoption of supply chain finance in supply chain effectiveness: evidence from manufacturing firms
Jean-Noël Beka Be Nguema, Gongbing Bi, Zulqurnain Ali, Aqsa Mehreen, Christophe Rukundo, Yangqian KeSeveral manufacturing firms are facing various internal concerns such as financial and operational issues, which strongly pushed the firms to search for solutions (e.g. supply…
Tell me more: how salespeople encourage customer disclosure
Jarkko Niemi, Ellen Bolman PullinsThis paper aims to explore salesperson–customer interactions to identify actual behaviors that result in enhanced customer disclosure and classify them as disclosure tactics, and…
Necessary and sufficient antecedents of customer loyalty to logistics service providers
Ilias VlachosThe purpose of this paper is to empirically study the necessary and sufficient antecedents of customer loyalty to logistics service providers (LSPs). Despite the abundance of…
Investigating corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR) and its impact on social judgments in the weak institution: moderating the role of corporate ability
Shamila Nabi Khan, Ahmed KamalIn weaker institutions, lack of corporate social responsibility (CSR) constituencies causes organizations to naturally incline toward corporate socially irresponsible actions…
Managing technology transfer between coopetitive firms: the roles of coopetition, asset specificity and justice
Ruijia Liu, Jianjun Yang, Feng ZhangPrior studies have demonstrated the important role of coopetition in firms’ innovation. Based on the paradox perspective, this study aims to focus on technology transfer, the…
Cooperative goals and dynamic capability: the mediating role of strategic flexibility and the moderating role of human resource flexibility
Linbo Yang, Chenjing GanThe dynamic capabilities theory indicates that uncertain environments necessitate firms’ dynamic capability. This study aims to examine how dynamic capability can be shaped based…
How collaboration impacts in the market orientation-performance relationship of SMEs? A perspective from belt and road initiative
Zafran Ahmad, Liu Chao, Wang Chao, Saqib IlyasThis article extends knowledge of market orientation (MO) and strategic collaboration by analyzing MO-collaborations in the context of firm performance of small- and medium-sized…
How post-merger integration duration affects merger outcomes
Joon-Hee Oh, Wesley J. JohnstonThis study aims to confirm earlier findings that differences between merger and acquisition (M&A) participant firms are a hurdle for successful mergers and shows that merger…
A methodology for classification and validation of customer datasets
Dongyun Nie, Paolo Cappellari, Mark RoantreeThe purpose of this paper is to develop a method to classify customers according to their value to an organization. This process is complicated by the disconnected nature of a…
The impact of supply chain relationship quality on knowledge sharing and innovation performance: evidence from Chinese manufacturing industry
Gang LiThis study aims to investigate the impact mechanism of supply chain relationship quality on knowledge sharing and firms’ innovation performance during supply chain collaborative…
Purchasing performance of engineering procurement and construction companies using a fuzzy quality function deployment approach
Gitesh Chavan, Ranjan Chaudhuri, Wesley J. Johnston, Benjamin GarnerThis paper aims to empirically validate an integrated model, combining fuzzy analytical hierarchy processing and quality function deployment, used to construct a purchasing…
Inside sales agent’s sales activities influence on work outcomes and sales agent tenure through autonomous motivation
Richard Conde, Victor PrybutokPrevious sales research remains limited to analyzing the influence of sales activities with sales agent tenure. To date, research on this subject has focused on the downstream…

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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez