Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 35 Issue 10

Table of contents

Guest Editors: Louis Grabowski, Karen Loch, Danny Norton Bellenger, Lars Mathiassen

Driving employee engagement: how personality trait and leadership style impact the process

Simone Meskelis, J. Lee Whittington

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how personality traits and leadership styles impact employee engagement.


Strategizing for the bottom of the pyramid: an action research into a Mexican agribusiness

Rafael Hernandez-Cazares, Late Lawson-Lartego, Lars Mathiassen, Sergio Quinonez-Romandia

While recent research has established that businesses can benefit from engaging with people at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), the authors know little about the practices that…


Understanding physician leadership: the mediating effects of positive organizational climate and relational role endorsement

Joann Farrell Quinn, Philip Cola

The purpose of this paper is to seek clarity on the factors that increase acceptance of a leadership identity and influence a physician leader to participate in the leader role at…


An investigation of characteristics of effective global leaders

Marc A. Geil, Jessica Greenwald

The purpose of this study is to unite research in cultural intelligence (CQ), core confidence and multitasking to examine how these characteristics interplay in the perceptions of…


The impact of implicit bias on business-to-business marketing

Kim Stephens, Richard L. Baskerville

Physical social cues can influence the buyer and seller in business-to-business (B2B) marketing. The current behavioural model does not account for the role of implicit bias. The…


Strategic orientations, marketing capabilities and radical innovation launch success

Dale A. Cake, Vikas Agrawal, George Gresham, Douglas Johansen, Anthony Di Benedetto

The purpose of this paper is to develop a radical innovation launch model that shows the relationship of the market, entrepreneurial and learning orientations with each other…


Business buyers are people too: exploring how geodemographics affects business-to-business selling effectiveness

Joel Mier, Jeffrey Carlson, Danny Norton Bellenger, Wesley J. Johnston

Drawing from the contingency model, this study aims to investigate the moderating effects of business-to-business (B2B) buyer personal characteristics on the relationship between…


Rating, review and reputation: how to unlock the hidden value of luxury consumers from digital commerce?

Daniel Shin, Denis Darpy

Product ratings and reviews are popular tools to support buying decisions of consumers. Many e-commerce platforms now offer product ratings and reviews as ratings and reviews are…


The value of business accelerators and incubators – an entrepreneur’s perspective

Ginger S. Lange, Wesley J. Johnston

Inspired by an efficacy debate, this paper aims to understand to what extent do entrepreneurs value business accelerators and what contributes to this value. And as entrepreneurs…


Job and community embeddedness on voluntary turnover

Michael J. Thome, Jessica M. Greenwald

The purpose of this paper is to unite research on migration patterns and job and community embeddedness to examine how the distance an employee has relocated to take a job affects…


Aligning resource integration and organizational identities in project networks

Ingo Husmann, Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Stuart Hanmer-Lloyd

Multi-supplier project networks represent a large part of the business-to-business (B2B) sector as the scope of many projects requires that different providers participate in…


Promoting desirable work attitudes and behaviors among accountants: a field study

Enoch Kusi Asare, J. Lee Whittington, Robert Walsh

Accounting work is characterized by high job demands and tight deadlines. With less task variety, accounting work is susceptible to employee disengagement. This paper aims to…


Price and its forecasting of Chinese cross-border E-commerce

Jianping Chen, Nadine Tournois, Qiming Fu

Cross-border e-commerce in China has been booming in recent years. This paper aims to study pricing in Chinese cross-border e-commerce companies and focuses on the baby food…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez