Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 34 Issue 2
Table of contents
Challenger sale: a dynamic method for customer engagement and value creation in business-to-business relationships
Talai Osmonbekov, Brent Adamson, Matthew DixonThe purpose of this paper is to further explicate the notion of challenger sale.
Implementing the Challenger Sales Model at a case study
Mathew S. Isaac, Ajay T. Abraham, Elaine Y. RichardsThe purpose of this paper is to review the recent implementation of the Challenger Sales Model (CSM) at, an online automotive marketplace that generated $633m in sales in…
Mentoring characteristics and functions: mentoring’s influence on salespeople
Tom Brashear-Alejandro, Hiram Barksdale, Danny Norton Bellenger, James S. Boles, Channelle JamesThis paper aims to examine a longitudinal study of mentoring functions and their effect on salesperson attitudes and intentions.
The dark side of technology: examining the impact of technology overload on salespeople
Duleep Delpechitre, Hulda G. Black, John FarrishThe purpose of this study is to examine how technology overload (system feature, information, and communication overload) influences salespeople’s role stress (role conflict and…
How can challenger marketers target the right customer organization? The A-C-O-W customer organization profiling matrix for challenger marketing
Weng Marc LimThis paper aims to help challenger marketers identify and target the right customer organization.
The salesperson wellness lifestyle, coping with stress and the reduction of turnover
Frederic B. Kraft, Devdeep Maity, Stephen PorterIt is well known that job stress is major cause of salesperson job dissatisfaction and turnover. Salespeople require the resources to cope adequately with a multitude of job…
Value-based selling: a multi-component exploration
Mario Kienzler, Daniel Kindström, Thomas Brashear-AlejandroThis paper aims to investigate factors that affect the use of value-based selling and the subsequent influences on salespeople’s sales performance.
The importance of customer’s perception of salesperson’s empathy in selling
Duleep Delpechitre, Brian Nicholas Rutherford, Lucette B. ComerThe purpose of this study is to examine the impact of salesperson empathy, both cognitive and affective, on business-to-business buyer-salesperson relational outcomes…
The effects of goodwill and competence trust on strategic information sharing in buyer–supplier relationships
William James Newell, Chris Ellegaard, Lars EsbjergThe purpose of this paper is to explore how the choice of buying managers to share or limit the sharing of strategic information with their suppliers relates to the presence or…
Country-of-origin effects on industrial purchase decision making: a systematic review of research
Birce DobrucalıThis study aims to provide a contemporary, holistic and systematic review regarding the impact of country-of-origin on industrial purchase decision-making by ascertaining…
Arabic business relationship characteristics: a social capital perspective
Hussain Albin Shaikh, Sharon Purchase, Gregory BrushThe purpose of this study is to understand the development of social capital in an Arab business environment, and provide an in-depth description of the nature and role of three…
Buyer relationships when developing new products: a contingency model
Gerard A. Athaide, Jason Q. Zhang, Richard R. KlinkThe purpose of the paper is to develop and test a contingency model of buyer involvement when developing new products in technology-based industrial markets. Information…
Formal and informal scenario-planning in strategic decision-making: an assessment of corporate reasoning
Charlene Lew, Danielle Meyerowitz, Göran SvenssonThe theoretical value of scenario-planning as a strategic tool is well recognized in literature. The purpose of this study is to explore the corporate reasoning of formal and…
Self-justification for opportunistic purchasing behavior in strategic supplier relationships
Cees J. Gelderman, Jelle Mampaey, Janjaap Semeijn, Mark VerhappenThis study aims to get a deeper understanding of one of the antecedents of opportunistic behavior in strategic supplier relationships at the individual level of analysis. The…
Enhancing client-agency relationship quality in the advertising industry – an application of project management
Elizabeth Levin, Thu Nguyen Quach, Park ThaichonThis paper aims to determine the dimensions of service quality of advertising agencies and their effects on relationship quality between an advertising agency and their clients…
Demographic homophily, communication and trust in intra-organizational business relationships
Henning Ahlf, Sven Horak, Andreas Klein, Sung-Won YoonThe purpose of this study is to understand how employees of an organization build and maintain successful business relationships by analyzing major antecedents of relationship…
Evaluating channel partner’s performance: impact of task environments on the relevance of measurement metrics
Vikas Goyal, Prashant MishraThe purpose of this paper is to develop a nuanced framework for evaluating a channel partner’s performance in distribution channel relationships. Given a channel partner’s task…
How do an alliance firm’s strategic orientations drive its knowledge acquisition? Evidence from Sino-foreign alliance partnership
Qian Yang, Yi Liu, Yuan LiThis paper aims to investigate how a Chinese firm’s strategic orientation impact its knowledge acquisition from its foreign alliance partners through governance mechanisms used in…
Moderators affecting the relationship between coopetition and company performance
James M. CrickThe purpose of this paper is to examine the moderating factors that could affect the relationship between coopetition (the interplay between cooperation and competition) and…

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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez