Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 32 Issue 3

Table of contents

Branding in B2B: the value of consumer goods brands in industrial markets

Eric Viardot

This paper aims to explore whether consumer goods brands (CGBs) have more brand equity than exclusively professional brands (EPBs) do in the context of the industrial detergents…


Being customer-centric through CRM metrics in the B2B market: the case of maritime shipping

Anestis K. Fotiadis, Chris Vassiliadis

The purpose of this paper is to present a comparison between the traditional methods for the calculation of customer relationship performance and the modern metrics suggested by…


Family business internationalisation and networks: emerging pathways

Katerina Kampouri, Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Tanja Leppäaho

The aim of this study is twofold: to provide a meta-synthesis of the current state of knowledge in family business (FB) internationalisation research, adopting a network…


Improving performance and curtailing opportunism: the role of contractual issue inclusiveness and obligatoriness in channel relationships

Pianpian Yang, Liping Qian, Songyue Zheng

The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of the role of contracts in channel relationships. Treating contracts as a multidimensional construct, this study…


Organizational structure, innovation performance and customer relationship value in the Greek advertising and media industry

Paraskevi Dekoulou, Panagiotis Trivellas

This paper aims to explore the impact of organizational structure dimensions on innovation performance as well as its implications on business customers’ relationship value and…


IT usage for enhancing trade show performance: evidence from the aviation services

Jaywant Singh, Paurav Shukla, Stavros P. Kalafatis

While trade shows remain an important customer relationship management (CRM) tool, recent advancements in information technology (IT) have raised concerns about the future of…


Value co-creation, dynamic capabilities and customer retention in industrial markets

Michael W. Preikschas, Pablo Cabanelas, Klaus Rüdiger, Jesús F. Lampón

This paper aims to explore how value co-creation processes can influence the generation of dynamic capabilities and the retention of industrial customers. The authors explore this…


Validating the relationship between trust, commitment, economic and non-economic satisfaction in South African buyer-supplier relationships

Mercy Mpinganjira, Mornay Roberts-Lombard, Göran Svensson

The paper aims to validate the relationship between satisfaction, trust and commitment in South African business buyer–supplier relationships. Satisfaction was looked at from the…


Open innovation in supply networks: an expectation disconfirmation theory perspective

María Isabel Roldán Bravo, Francisco Javier Lloréns Montes, Antonia Ruiz Moreno

This study aims to use expectation disconfirmation theory (EDT) to investigate how an organization’s satisfaction with its supply network’s behavior influences its intention to…


The influence of economic crises on network behavior

Tibor Mandják, Ágnes Wimmer, François Durrieu

Following industrial network theory, this paper aims to address network behavior from a focal company’s perspective. Special attention is paid to examining the effect of…


The impact of trust and commitment on value creation in asymmetric buyer–seller relationships: the mediation effect of specific asset investments

Po-Yuan Chen, Kuan-Yang Chen, Lei-Yu Wu

Previous studies have argued that trust and commitment can create value in cooperative relationships. However, this study observed that, in practice, trust and commitment alone…


The interplay between key marketing and supply chain management capabilities: the role of integrative mechanisms

Ismail Golgeci, David M. Gligor

This paper aims to identify key marketing and supply chain management-related (supply chain management – SCM) capabilities and explore the nature of the linkages between these…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez