Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 29 Issue 4

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Table of contents - Special Issue: CBIM 2011

Relationship marketing strategy: an operant resource perspective

Sreedhar Madhavaram, Elad Granot, Vishag Badrinarayanan

The aim of this paper is to illustrate that the operant resource perspective of the service-dominant (S-D) logic can explicate how operant resources can influence relationship…


Negative critical waves in business relationships: an extension of the critical incident perspective

Bo Edvardsson, Christian Kowalkowski, Tore Strandvik, Päivi Voima

This paper aims to extend understanding of business-to-business relationship dynamics by introducing and discussing the phenomenon of a “negative critical wave” (NCW), defined as…


Understanding the characteristics of the growth of SMEs in B-to-B markets in emerging economies: an organizational ecology approach

Patricia R. Todd, Raj G. Javalgi, David Grossman

The aim of this paper is to focus on the determinants that impact the growth of SMEs in B-to-B markets in emerging economies. The objective is to apply the classic model of…


Building in sustainability, social responsibility and value co-creation

Sergio Biggemann, Martin Williams, Gunn Kro

This paper aims to address the question of how value can be created through social responsibility programs or other means, so that sustainability is achieved through increasing…


Service process modularization and modular strategies

Per Carlborg, Daniel Kindström

This paper aims to investigate the role of service modularity in developing and deploying efficient services, while at the same time meeting diverse customer needs. The analysis…


Innovation adoption and diffusion in business-to-business marketing

Hannu Sakari Makkonen, Wesley J. Johnston

The current knowledge concerning how organizations adopt innovations is considerably less than the sum of its parts. The aim of this paper is to review the innovation adoption and…


“A ROSE, by any other name”…: relationship typology and performance measurement in supply chains

Christian Chelariu, Anthony Kwame Asare, Thomas Brashear-Alejandro

– The aim of this paper is to develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain performance that includes relationship, operational, strategic and economic performance measures.


Industrial buyers' use of references, word-of-mouth and reputation in complex buying situation

Leena Aarikka-Stenroos, Hannu Sakari Makkonen

The aim of this paper is to provide understanding on how the buyer can mobilize experience-based information scattered around the business network, by means of customer…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez