Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 28 Issue 2

Table of contents

Identifying potential sources of value in a packaging value chain

Jenni Niemelä-Nyrhinen, Outi Uusitalo

The purpose of this paper is to propose a process approach for identifying potential sources of customer value of a package in a packaging value chain and illustrate the approach…


An assessment of innovativeness in KIBS: implications on KIBS' co-creation culture, innovation capability, and performance

María Leticia Santos-Vijande, Celina González-Mieres, Jose Ángel López-Sánchez

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between innovative culture, innovation efforts, and their performance among knowledge-intensive business services…


Personal interaction and customer relationship management in project business

Tuija Mainela, Pauliina Ulkuniemi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of personal interaction in customer relationship management in the project business. The research question addressed is: How is…


Where's the strategic intent in key account relationships?

Lynette J. Ryals, Iain A. Davies

Over the past ten to 15 years, key account management (KAM) has established itself as an important and growing field of academic study and as a major issue for practitioners…


How inter- and intra-organisational coordination affect product development performance: the role of slack resources

Yen-Chun Chen, Po-Chien Li, Ya-Hui Lin

The purpose of this paper is to enable a better understanding of the influences of alliance coordination (i.e. inter-organisational coordination) and interfunctional coordination…


Inter-firm opportunism: a meta-analytic review and assessment of its antecedents and effect on performance

Xuehua Wang, Zhilin Yang

– This meta-analysis aims to aggregate empirical findings from extant inter-firm opportunism literature.


Factors affecting new product post-adoption behavior in a major US automotive supply chain: an examination of antecedents to technology internalization

Frederick Hong-kit Yim, Howard Forman, Hyokjin Kwa

Given the importance of technology implementation and usage in managing and leveraging supply chains and the associated difficulties of diffusing information technology (IT…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez