Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 26 Issue 5

Table of contents - Special Issue: Modularity in Business Services

Guest Editors: Pauliina Ulkuniemi, Saara Pekkarinen

Framework for modularity and customization: service perspective

Anu Bask, Mervi Lipponen, Mervi Rajahonka, Markku Tinnilä

Modularity has been identified as one of the most important methods for achieving mass customization. However, service models that apply varying levels of modularity and…


Providing a method for composing modular B2B services

Martin Böttcher, Stephan Klingner

The purpose of this paper is to provide a method that allows the decollating of formerly monolithic services into separate modules. To provide a semantically equivalent decomposed…


Aligning industrial services with strategies and sources of market differentiation

Chris Raddats

The purpose of the paper is to investigate how product‐centric businesses (PCBs), operating in a business‐to‐business environment, develop industrial services to align with their…


QFD‐based modular logistics service design

Yong Lin, Saara Pekkarinen

This paper aims to develop a framework of QFD (quality function deployment)‐based logistics service design to integrate the HOQ (house of quality) technique and modular logic to…


Developing the value perception of the business customer through service modularity

Emmi Rahikka, Pauliina Ulkuniemi, Saara Pekkarinen

The present challenge for many service firms is to develop an offering that is flexible and open for tailoring and at the same time achieves efficiency through standardizing…


Investigating issues and challenges for customer involvement in business services innovation

Hanne Westh Nicolajsen, Ada Scupola

The paper aims to investigate how customers may contribute to radical innovation in consultancy services and the conditions needed for customers to be involved in such radical…


A network perspective on business models for emerging technology‐based services

Teea Palo, Jaana Tähtinen

This study seeks to identify the generic elements of a business model in the field of technology‐based services and uses those elements to build a networked business model. A…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez