Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 25 Issue 1

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Table of contents

Customer relationship management as a business process

Douglas M. Lambert

Increasingly, customer relationship management (CRM) is being viewed as a strategic, process‐oriented, cross‐functional, value‐creating for buyer and seller, and a means of…


Antecedents and consequences of team reflexivity in new product development projects

Mumin Dayan, Aydin Basarir

Although cross‐functional teams are increasingly relied upon in developing new products, little is known about the ability of teams on adapting team objectives and strategies to…


The role of uncertainty and sales control in the development of sales manager trust

Michael L. Mallin, Edward O'Donnell, Michael Y. Hu

The purpose of this paper is to extend previous research on trust and sales control to develop and test an argument that links informational uncertainty to the development of…


Maker‐buyer strategic alliances: an integrated framework

Chih‐Pin Lin, Hsin‐Mei Lin

Although existing partial theories contribute to scholarly understanding of strategic alliances, the lack of a comprehensive framework to explain strategic alliances is…


Trade fairs as communication: a new model

Jim Blythe

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that exhibitors, by relying on the now‐outdated Schramm model of communication, are wasting effort and at the same time generating…


Objectives for successfully participating in trade shows

Manfred Kirchgeorg, Christiane Springer, Evelyn Kästner

Trade shows have played a prominent role in the corporate communication mix for many years. Enterprises use these multifunctional communication platforms to pursue a wide variety…


The effects of co‐location on marketing externalities in the salmon‐farming industry

Christian Felzensztein, Lars Huemer, Eli Gimmon

The purpose of this paper is to is focus on the role of geographic co‐location in the development of firm‐level marketing externalities.

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez