Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 24 Issue 5/6
Table of contents - Special Issue: Relationship marketing summit: Buenos Aires, Argentina, ideas and research challenges for the next wave
Guest Editors: Jaqueline Pels
Do we really understand business marketing? Getting beyond the RM and BM matrimony
Jaqueline Pels, Kristian Möller, Michael SarenA large number of researchers and marketing textbooks see business marketing dominantly from the relationship marketing perspective. One can even talk about a “matrimony” of these…
B2B is not an island!
Evert Gummesson, Francesco PoleseWith B2B (business‐to‐business) and new developments in marketing as the springboard, this paper seeks to emphasize complexity and context in marketing systems, embracing both B2B…
Marketing as promise management: regaining customer management for marketing
Christian GrönroosIn today's competitive markets where market offerings are far more complicated and customer interfaces are far broader than conventional marketing models assume, marketing has…
Customer relationships and the heterogeneity of firm performance
Kaj Storbacka, Suvi NenonenThe purpose of this paper is to examine how, taking customer relationships as the unit of analysis, the heterogeneity of customer relationship performance influences the…
Toward a transcending conceptualization of relationship: a service‐dominant logic perspective
Stephen L. VargoThe purpose of this paper is to propose and elaborate on a service‐dominant‐logic‐based conceptualization of relationship that transcends traditional conceptualizations.
The moderating influence of client sophistication on relationships within business‐to‐business credence service markets
Tony Garry, Tracy HarwoodThe purpose of this paper is to report on a study which aims to identify the characteristics and determinants of client sophistication within the UK corporate legal services…
Extending relationship value: observations from a case study of the Canadian structural wood products industry
Aurelia Lefaix‐Durand, Robert Kozak, Robert Beauregard, Diane PoulinThe purpose of this paper is to present how the construct of relationship value (RV) has the potential to help suppliers understand how to create superior value in their customer…
Explaining scientific networking with b2b network theories: the cases from the EU and Russia
Olga A. Tretyak, Nikita I. PopovThe purpose of this paper is to extend existing theories of b2b networks over non‐profit networks.
Food product traceability and supply network integration
Per EngelsethThe purpose of this paper is to develop a more precise conceptual understanding of the interplay between food product traceability and supply network integration.
The evolution of network positions in emerging and converging technologies
Brian Low, Wesley J. JohnstonThe purpose of this paper is to investigate how and why staying on the edge of emerging and converging technologies is significant for businesses to create the most vibrant…
Manufacturers' intention to extend the relationships with distributors
Akinori Ono, Tomokazu KuboToday, it is becoming increasingly important for manufacturers to develop cooperative relationships with distributors and obtain customized distribution services. Previous…
Marketing relationships in Brazil: trends in value strategies and capabilities
Áurea Helena Puga Ribeiro, Thomas G. Brashear, Plinio Rafael Reis Monteiro, Luciana Faluba DamázioThe purpose of this paper is to examine the use of value strategies among international and national firms in Brazil by exploring the trends in value strategies for use in future…

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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez