Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 22 Issue 6

Table of contents - Special Issue: Branding in industrial markets

Guest Editors: Michael Beverland, Adam Lindgreen, Julie Napoli

Being known or being one of many: the need for brand management for business‐to‐business (B2B) companies

Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch

This analysis aims to examine the need of business‐to‐business companies for branding and analyzes the options for success by means of the stock performance.


Branding in B2B markets: insights from the service‐dominant logic of marketing

David Ballantyne, Robert Aitken

This paper aims to explore how the service‐dominant (S‐D) logic of marketing proposed by Vargo and Lusch impacts on business‐to‐business branding concepts and practice.


Branding implications of partner firm‐focal firm relationships in business‐to‐business service networks

Felicia Morgan, Dawn Deeter‐Schmelz, Christopher R. Moberg

By outsourcing or partnering with two or more firms to perform certain activities targeted toward customers, firms are engaging in service networks. This research begins to…


The importance of brand in the industrial purchase decision: a case study of the UK tractor market

Keith Walley, Paul Custance, Sam Taylor, Adam Lindgreen, Martin Hingley

With brands being an important source of competitive advantage, knowledge of branding is needed to inform their management. After reviewing the literature, the article aims to…


Branding the business marketing offer: exploring brand attributes in business markets

Michael Beverland, Julie Napoli, Raisa Yakimova

The paper seeks to provide a framework identifying key attributes that business marketers can use to build a strong brand identity.


Sources of brand benefits in manufacturer‐reseller B2B relationships

Mark S. Glynn, Judy Motion, Roderick J. Brodie

The aim of the paper is to develop a conceptual framework that explores the sources of manufacturer brand benefits for resellers.


Multiple roles of brands in business‐to‐business services

Jane Roberts, Bill Merrilees

The paper seeks to investigate the role of branding in a B2B service context.


The role of corporate brand image in the selection of new subcontractors

Anna Blombäck, Björn Axelsson

Despite the increased focus on brands in B2B markets, little research to date has focused on understanding the role brands play in different B2B contexts. To make a contribution…

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez