Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 21 Issue 2

Table of contents - Special Issue: Relationship theory and business markets

Guest Editors: Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Michael Ehret

The value added by specific investments: a framework for managing relationships in the context of value networks

Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Michael Ehret

Economic theories applied to the study of buyer‐seller relationships draw to a large extent on the problems caused by specific investments. This contribution aims to develop a new…


The explanatory foundations of relationship marketing theory

Shelby D. Hunt, Dennis B. Arnett, Sreedhar Madhavaram

Drawing on resource‐advantage theory and a diverse literature base, this article seeks to further the development of the explanatory foundations of relationship marketing theory…


The explanatory foundations of relationship marketing theory: a comment

Mario Rese

In general, as part of the ongoing discussion about the importance of business partnerships in industrial markets, specifically the paper seeks to comment on the Hunt et al. paper…


For dynamic relationship marketing theory: a reply to Rese

Shelby D. Hunt, Dennis B. Arnett, Sreedhar Madhavaram

The authors propose to reply to the comment by Mario Rese on the article “The explanatory foundations of relationship marketing theory.”


Norm‐based relational behaviours: is there an underlying dimensional structure?

Björn Sven Ivens

The purpose of the paper is to analyse what roles different relational norms play in long‐term business relationships.


Self‐protection vs opportunity seeking in business buying behavior: an experimental study

Frank Jacob, Michael Ehret

Theories on industrial buying behavior differ fundamentally with regard to motivation and direction of industrial purchasing decisions. This becomes extremely in the case of new…


Gildemeister Lathes Ltd

Uwe Heimers, Martin Kupp, Ulli T. Reitz

This case study sets out to draw a detailed picture of the business relationships between Gildemeister Lathes Ltd and its two competing in‐suppliers, Siemens and Heidenhain.

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  • Michael Ehret
  • Antonella La Rocca
  • Roberto Mora Cortez