Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 12 Issue 3/4
Table of contents
Salesperson behavior: antecedents and links to performance
Thomas G. Brashear, Danny N. Bellenger, Hiram C. Barksdale, Thomas N. IngramExamines the impact of selling behaviors on performance. The time spent actually selling and servicing clients is shown positively to influence salesperson performance. Having a…
The future of sales training: making choices among six distance education methods
Robert C. Erffmeyer, Dale A. JohnsonPrevious research has revealed that sales trainers have been reluctant to incorporate distance education training methods into their programs. This study investigated the…
Salesforce automation and the adoption of technological innovations by salespeople: theory and implications
Madhavan Parthasarathy, Ravipreet S. SohiIn the past few years, organizations have spent millions of dollars adopting salesforce automation (SFA) systems, and this trend continues to grow. Despite its significance, very…
Salesforce automation issues prior to implementation: the relationship between attitudes toward technology, experience and productivity
Bruce D. Keillor, R. Edward Bashaw, Charles E. PettijohnOne of the primary characteristics of the sales environment of the next century will be the proliferation of technology as an important component of the sales process. The…
The power of technology in business selling: call centers
Paul R. Prabhaker, Michael J. Sheehan, John I. CoppettChanges in market conditions and trends often point to the need for changes in the marketing approaches being used. Current market trends such as fierce competition and…
International salesforce management: a relationship perspective
Jeffrey E. Lewin, Wesley J. JohnstonAs world trade has expanded to over two trillion dollars in the past 20 years, the international environment with all its complexities has become the arena in which many sales…
Business relationships: an examination of the effects of buyer‐salesperson relationships on customer retention and willingness to refer and recommend
James S. Boles, Hiram C. Barksdale, Julie T. JohnsonExamines the effect of the quality of a salesperson’s relationship with a customer on the likelihood of retaining that customer’s business. Assesses the effects of…

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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez