Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 10 Issue 5
Table of contents
Framing product design: using design communication to facilitate user learning
Gerald E. SmithIndustrial design has become a key source of competitive advantageand strategic focus to companies in the 1990s. The rapid emergence ofthe information age, the proletarianization…
A concept of commitment: alternative views of relational continuity in business service relationships
Louise Young, Sara DenizeExplores the role of commitment in maintaining relationship bondseven when the level of satisfaction with specific transactions is low. Astrong relationship can exist between…
Evolution and evaluation of export advertising in China
Shengliang Deng, Jing ZhaoAs China′s economic reform continues, foreign trade with China hasexpanded rapidly in the past several years. During this period, exportadvertising has played an increasingly…
Measuring customer service quality in international marketing channels: a multimethod approach
Martin Wetzels, Ko de Ruyter, Jos Lemmink, Kitty KoelemeijerThe measurement of perceived service quality using the SERVQUALapproach has been criticized by a number of authors recently. Thiscriticism concerns the conceptual basis of this…

0885-8624Online date, start – end:
1986Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez