Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 10 Issue 2
Table of contents
Supplier involvement and dealer satisfaction: implications for enhancing channel relationships
Jule B. Gassenheimer, Roger J. Calantone, Joseph I. ScullySuppliers use a variety of strategies to gain a preferred positionwithin their dealers′ supply network. Dealers allocate purchases amongseveral suppliers in order to maximize…
How to create advertising that works
Stuart C. RogersMany senior business people in the USA believe that some 90% of alladvertising does not do what it is intended to do. The common reasonsare the basic ineptitude of many people…
Managing the industrial salesforce culture
Donald W. Jackson, Stephen S. TaxThe concept of culture has been an important subject of managerialinterest over the past decade, yet little has been written about howculture can be managed within the industrial…
Marketing implications of newer manufacturing technologies
Paul R. Prabhaker, Joel D. Goldhar, David LeiRecent advances in product design and manufacturing technologiesallow for high levels of product variety at low cost, leading toeconomies of scope. Economies of scope allow for…
Country segmentation on the basis of international purchasing patterns
Carl R. Frear, Mary S. Alguire, Lynn E. MetcalfCompanies that successfully incorporate international sourcing intotheir international marketing strategies enhance their abilities toprovide their customers with quality products…
The effect of interactive marketing on commercial customer satisfaction in international financial markets
Karen Maru File, Judith L. Mack, Russ Alan PrinceService providers worldwide are seeking competitive advantagethrough the creation of long‐standing customer relationships. Currenttheory holds that interactive marketing…

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IMP JournalEditors:
- Michael Ehret
- Antonella La Rocca
- Roberto Mora Cortez