Table of contents
From the Editor
Activity in the microcomputer hardware field is going to make it even more difficult to choose which products to buy for library and personal use. In September, Osborne Computer…
Information Industry Careers in 2000: An Interview With S. Norman Feingold
Tom SurprenantDr. S. Norman Feingold is President of National Career and Counseling Services in Washington, DC. He is author of over 45 books, hundreds of articles, and is a frequent speaker…
Digital Facsimile: Columbia Law Library and Pacific Northwest Library Facsimile Network
Janet Tracy, William DejohnWith recent developments in digital facsimile technology, its use for interlibrary communication is being re‐examined by some librarians. Faster communications speeds, better…
Telefacsimile in Libraries: A Review of Current Literature
Janet TracyThese articles are arranged by year. The technology developed in 1979 makes pre‐1979 articles rather obsolete; however they might apply to an institution choosing to buy analog…
Serials on Optical Disks: A Library of Congress Pilot Program
Lela Beth CriswellThe Optical Disk Pilot Program of the Library of Congress is described. The characteristics and differences between analog videodisks and optical digital disk technology are…
Vendor‐Based Retrospective Conversion at George Washington University
Andrew LisowskiIn May 1982, the Gelman Library of George Washington University initiated circulation services on a DataPhase A LIS‐II automated library system. This article discusses the…
OPAC User Logs: Implications for Bibliographic Instruction
Cheryl Kern‐SimirenkoThe characteristics of typical Online Public Access Catalogs are discussed. Patron use of these features is surveyed and analyzed. Usage patterns indicate that features are not…
Who Trains the Trainer? Library Staff Are OPAC Users, Too
Elaine CoppolaAs libraries introduce Online Public Access Catalogs and integrated library systems, the need for staff training becomes essential. The characteristics of training sessions are…
PLAN: Shared Automated Circulation System in California
Lois KershnerThe eight public library systems in the County of San Mateo, California have joined together under a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for the purchase of a shared automated…
Microcomputer Based Circulation: Sirsi Corporation's Unicorn™ System
William H. WardenSirsi Corporation markets an automated system called the Unicorn.™ Unicorn is available in several models to serve the needs of libraries of several different sizes. The smallest…
Computer Cat™ at Mountain View Elementary School
Margaret Armstrong, Betty CostaThe computer‐based card catalog of Mountain View Elementary School, Broomfield, CO, is described. This system is compared to the traditional card catalog. Younger children find it…
Polyester Encapsulation Using Ultrasonic Welding
William MinterMylar polyester encapsulation is generally regarded as the simplest and most reversible method for reinforcement of brittle paper. The author describes the system developed over…
Online Staff Resources: Canadian University Libraries
Suzanne St.‐Jacques, Richard JankeFaced with a relentless upsurge in the number of online searches from 1981 to 1982, the Head of Reference, Morisset Library and the Coordinator of Online Searching for the…
Technology for the Handicapped: Kurzweil and Viewscan
Eithne Cotter, Emily McCartyThe Kurzweil Reading Machine, which uses a special camera and a computer to transform printed matter into synthetic speech, is described. The author explains the machine's…
Automated Circulation of Unbound Periodicals: A Survey of Practices
Joan TracyLibraries, both public and academic, deciding to circulate unbound periodicals in an automated circulation system, must develop procedures for handling individual issues. A survey…
Cable TV: An Introductory Bibliography
Judith Sessions, Cathy HaworthThis bibliography concentrates on literature sources currently published (as in the case of periodicals) or generally published during the past three years. Annotations are…
Bibliographic Utilities in the 1980's
Lois SchultzThe major bibliographic utilities in North America were established in the 1970s. What role are they playing in the 1980s? This select bibliography provides a synopsis of what is…
0737-8831Online date, start – end:
1983Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Dickson K.W. Chiu
- Dr Kevin K.W. Ho