Kybernetes: Volume 38 Issue 1/2
The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciencesTable of contents - Special Issue: Leading the way: tributes to John Rose (1917‐2007)
The 20th anniversary tribute to Professor Rose: Cybernetics, technological barriers and education
Brian H. RudallThe purpose of this paper is to discuss Dr Rose's paper which presented his views of the cybernetic revolution; education and the environmental barrier; and the purpose of…
The early years: some comments on the origins and concepts of cybernetics
J. RoseThe purpose of this paper is to examine the role and importance of the ideas of Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics in the context of the information revolution.
The problem of technological barriers
J. RoseThe purpose of this paper is to give an insight into the thinking of the 1960s and at a time when subsequent advances and developments could not easily have been predicated with…
Reminiscences and reflections
Alex M. AndrewThe purpose of this paper is to present a personal view of Professor John Rose. The organisational skill of the late Professor John Rose is illustrated by reminiscences, and his…
Jacob “John” Rose – a tribute
Wolf W. PearlmanThe purpose of this paper is to recall the influential role of Professor John Rose in stimulating development of sustainable cybernetic frameworks designed to contend with the…
Fuzzy systems and cybernetics
Constantin Virgil NegoitaThe purpose of this paper is to stimulate thought and discourse toward postmodernism and its less known roots.
John Rose and the early years of sociocybernetics
Johannes van der Zouwen, R. Felix GeyerThe purpose of this paper is to sketch the most valuable contribution of Dr Rose to the development of social cybernetics over the period 1975‐1995.
Performance management, the nature of regulation and the CyberSyn project
R. EspejoThe purpose of this paper is to clarify both regulatory processes in enterprises and the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their improvement.
Complex versus complicated: the how of coping with complexity
Markus SchwaningerThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and explain how distinct approaches to coping with complexity vary in their effectiveness. The different strategies are evaluated as to…
Business cybernetics – provocation number two
Vojko Potocan, Matjaz MulejThe purpose of this paper is to suggest a more holistic definition and basic guidelines for implementation of specific cybernetics dealing with business systems (BSs) from the…
Dictatorships, democracies and the people
Mohamed MansourThe paper aims to consider system and control ideas which are useful in analysing problems in human science.
Economic yoyos and some mysteries about child labor
Yi Lin, Sifeng LiuThe purpose of this paper is to establish a theoretical foundation for seemingly contradictory empirical findings about child labor and the families and the children's well‐being.
The cybernetics of inertial propulsion
Alejandro B. Engel, Paul H. StiebitzThe purpose of this paper is to provide a study of inertial propulsion.
A systemic approach to innovation: the interactive innovation model
Jon‐Arild JohannessenThe purpose of this paper is to describe the role of innovation for firm competitiveness from a systemic point of view, and to review recent literature about the interactive…
Cybernetical physics Part I: “Feynman's paradox” and its implications
Uri FidelmanFeynman's claim that a positron is an electron moving backwards in time implies a paradox. The purpose of this paper (Part I of II) is to prevent the contradiction in physics due…
Cybernetical physics Part II: the EPR paradox and its implications
Uri FidelmanThe purpose of this paper is to explain the Einstein, Podolski and Rosen (EPR) paradox applying the multidimensionality of time and the perpendicularity of the temporal axes.
Aspects of a cluster research strategy: systemics applied to the study of clusters
Sven‐Are Jensen, Jon‐Arild Johannessen, Bjørn OlsenThe purpose of this paper is to shed light on the question: how can we study clusters from a systemic perspective?
Pansystems traffics, logistics and knowledge rediscovery
Xiaolu Zhou, Ruhe Xie, Xizhou Zhang, Cheng Wang, Xuemou WuThe purpose of this paper is to develop pansystems‐styled traffics, logistics and knowledge rediscovery. The core logoi are the generalized resources//F* and their…
Pansystems decision making on tables
Xiaoxia Li, Xingcheng Liu, Xuemou WuTables are widely used to store information. It belongs to table decision making to choose the pivotal fields or partition fields into conditions and decisions to discover their…
Pansystems ecology, management and knowledge rediscovery
Lan Yi, Wenhui You, Chuan Li, Xuemou WuThe purpose of this paper is to state the pansystems ecology, management and related principles and methods of knowledge rediscovery. Related contents include: generalized life…
The financial crisis
Alex M. AndrewThe purpose of this paper is to discuss a message from Professor Stuart Umpleby to the CYBCOM discussion group.