Kybernetes: Volume 32 Issue 9/10


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
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Table of contents

Globalization and sustainability: the cynics, the romantics and the realists

Felix Geyer

Based on an address given to the second international conference on sociocybernetics the author gives a personal view of globalization and sustainability. He discusses…


The political cybernetics of organisations

Maurice Yolles

Viable systems theory is a development of managerial cybernetics within a critical systems theory context. The theory not only addresses cybernetics, it also shows how politics is…


Emotion: the missing part of systems methodologies

Catherine L. Wang, Pervaiz K. Ahmed

This conceptual paper first examines the critical evolutionary stage of systems methodologies – from hard systems to soft systems, and elaborates their different focuses. This…


A hybrid architecture design for security monitoring via the Internet

A.C.M. Fong, S.C. Hui

We present the development of a Web‐based remote‐monitoring system as an attractive alternative to the manual task of security surveillance. The system has built‐in human motion…


Design of an incentive system for application in a creative organization

Ryohei Matsumura, Kyoichi Kijima, Bumpei Nakano, Takehiro Inohara

The present paper investigates an incentive problem (the method of providing incentives to members) in creative organizations, such as research and development departments, using…


A model for self‐organizing systems

A.G. Adeagbo‐Sheikh

Considers a conceptual model that leads to the notions of a “distance function” g(t) and that of a “controlled‐disturbance function” δ(t)=h(g(t)). Using these notions we begin a…


Adaptive passivation with time‐varying gains of mimo nonlinear systems

M.A. Duarte‐Mermoud, J.M. Mendez‐Miquel, R. Castro‐Linares, A. Castillo‐Facuse

This paper addresses the adaptive passivation of multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) non‐linear systems,with unknown parameters. The class of MIMO non‐linear systems considered here…


Determination of eigenmodes in microchip lasers by the Adomian decomposition method

S. Khelifa, Y. Cherruault, F. Sanchez, S. Guellal

In this paper, our aim is to determine the fundamental eigenfunction of a two nonlinear differential complex equation, which arises in microchip laser theory, using Adomian…


Does the balanced scorecard support organizational viability?

Jan Achterbergh, Robert Beeres, Dirk Vriens

In this paper we assess whether the balanced scorecard (BSC) supports the necessary functions for organizational viability. To this purpose, we use the viable system model (VSM…


On choosing a goodness‐of‐fit test for discrete multivariate data

T. Pérez, J.A. Pardo

Goodness‐of‐fit test based on Kϕ‐divergence between observed and theoretical frequencies are considered. The asymptotic chi‐square null distribution and three alternative…


Using raster quasi‐topology as a tool to study spatial entities

Yongli Li, Zhilin Li, Yong‐qi Chen, Xiaoxia Li

The study of spatial entities needs a model that is not only fully observable and controllable, but also computable. Euclidean topology on R2 is a usually used tool for this…


Resolution of a capacitated transportation problem with four subscripts

R. Zitouni, A. Keraghel

The classical transportation problem is actually well known both in theory and numerical resolution. We are interested in the multi‐subscripts capacitated transportation problem…


System’s identity conservation requirements

Mario Iván Tarride

Viable system model, developed by Stafford Beer, and nine level model by Jean Louis Le Moigne, are presented and analysed as ways of distinguishing systems. From the study of both…


Global optimization‐preserving operators

G. Mora, Y. Cherruault, A. Benabidallah

In this paper, some kinds of operators, defined on a class of real functions depending on a single real variable, preserving some fundamental properties for solving global…


Minimization of an energy function with robust features for image segmentation

Pilar Arques, Patricia Compañ, Rafael Molina, Mar Pujol, Ramon Rizo

In this work, we propose an approach to the model based on Markov random field (MRF) as a systematic way for integrating constraints for robust image segmentation. To do that…


A new approach to travelling wave solution of a fourth‐order semilinear diffusion equation

M. Inç, Y. Cherruault

A decomposition method is implemented for solving travelling wave solutions of a fourth‐order semilinear diffusion equation.


Analysis of subsystem interactions

Miguel Lloret‐Climent

In systems theory, authors such as Klir, Miller, Yang, Lin and Ma, Backlund, etc. have developed different definitions of the system concept in function of both the type of…


Communications and forum: Homeostatics as a science of controlling contradictionsof various natures

Yu M. Gorsky, A.M. Stepanov

Focuses on homeostatics which deals with the problems of maintaining dynamic stability of vital parameters, functions, rhythms, cycles and trends of development. The paper also…


Numerical solution of linear Fredholm and volterra integral equation of the second kind by using Legendre wavelets

K. Maleknejad, M. Tavassoli Kajani, Y. Mahmoudi

Uses the continuous Legendre wavelets on the interval [0,1) in the manner of M. Razzaghi and S. Yousefi, to solve the linear second kind integral equations. We use quadrature…


Abstract neural automata on compact Riemannian manifold


By means of topological conjugate transformation, the previous theory of abstract neural automata (ANA) on d‐dimensional (d≥1) integer lattice is extended to compact Riemannian…


Variability of structure of abstract neural automata and the ability of thought

Xi Guangcheng

In the view of philosophy, a concept is the highest product of the human brain. Demonstrates abstract neural automata (ANA) – the more perfect of the brain's models have the…

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