Kybernetes: Volume 26 Issue 9


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
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Table of contents

Contemporary systems and cybernetics

B.H. Rudall

Gives reports and surveys of selected current research and development in systems and cybernetics. They include artificial intelligence, biomimetics, innovative systems and…


Aspects of ethics in systemic thinking

Jon‐Arild Johannessen

Examines the subject “How can we study value systems from a systemic angle of incidence?”, based on the philosophy developed by Bunge through his treatise on basic philosophy…


An approach to infection‐proof networks

Hideyuki Tanaka

Considers the question: if a system is recognized as a network and networks face an informational risk, which sort of networks should be employed to reduce the risk? Shows that if…


Elementary paths in a cubic lattice and application to molecular biology

T. Dachraoui, Y. Cherruault, Cl. Reiss

Determining the possible configurations number of a native protein involves a combinatorial study of the elementary paths in the cubic lattice Z3 . The main result consists of…


An asymptotic study of growing altitude elementary paths of the cubic lattice Z3

T. Dachraoui, Y. Cherruault, Cl. Reiss

Lets an be the number of growing altitude elementary paths of length n of the cubic lattice Z3. By numeric simulation shows that the quotient an+1/an tends rapidly to a constant…


TWONE: the revisited version

O. Bendiab, Y. Cherruault

Follows on from previous papers by the authors, where TWONE, a method for solving global optimization problems in two dimensions was presented. Presents an improved version. If �…


Communications and forum: Virtual reality becomes reality

L.P. Lee

Considers that virtual reality, the creation of highly interactive computer‐based multimedia environments in which the user becomes a participant with the computer, will have…


The origins of logic

D. Brennig James

Discusses the meaning of logic and its historical origin. Relates considerations to human knowledge and sees logic as a set of rules that were included from the beginning to bind…

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