An approach to infection‐proof networks
Considers the question: if a system is recognized as a network and networks face an informational risk, which sort of networks should be employed to reduce the risk? Shows that if infection type is strong, then the worst infected groups are subnetworks with the strong number of the network. If infection type is weak, then the worst infected groups are pivotal sets with the pivotal number of the network. Also shows that under the restriction of process capacity if n ≤ (3/2) × k + 1, then a strong and weak infection proof network exists. If n > (3/2) × k + 1, then finds a weak infection proof network with the smallest strong number such that 2 × q ‐ 1, if r = 0, 2 × q if 1 ≤ r ≤ k‐2 and 2 × q + 1 if k‐2 < r ≤ k ‐ 1.
Tanaka, H. (1997), "An approach to infection‐proof networks", Kybernetes, Vol. 26 No. 9, pp. 1001-1011.
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