Kybernetes: Volume 22 Issue 6


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences

Table of contents

A Tribute to Stafford Beer: Reflections and Reminiscences

When I was asked by the editor of Kybernetes to contribute to the issue dedicated to Professor Stafford Beer's achievements in the realm of cybernetics and systems, my first…


Profile and Academic Vita of Stafford Beer

Presents a formal profile and academic vita of the distinguished scientist and philosopher Stafford Beer. Details his work as an international consultant in the sciences of…


World in Torment: A Time Whose Idea Must Come

Stafford Beer

Presents the full text of the Presidential Address by Stafford Beer to the Triennial Congress of the World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics, New Delhi, India, January 1993


Embodiments of Beer's Educational Model

Denis Adams, Albakri Ahmad, Doug Haynes, Jim Sheehan

Begins by summarizing Stafford Beer's minimal model proposed in his report on the organization of Manchester Business School in 1970, and the conclusions made by Sir Douglas…


Stafford Beer — Personal Reminiscences and Reflections

Alex M. Andrew

Presents a personalized biographical note of reminiscences and reflections about Stafford Beer. Contains detailed references to his early days in cybernetics, his work at Sigma, a…


About Mappings

Robert Vallée

Considers Stafford Beer's idea of the mapping of a set of events. Shows how it can be compared with use of observation and pragmatical operators in the context of dynamical…


Modelling Response to Catastrophe Using Beer's VSM: Viability for Effective Action

Allenna Leonard

Presents the Viable System Model, developed by Stafford Beer, as a potentially valuable resource for strengthening the capabilities of temporary, situation‐based organizations…


System Theory and Deepened Set Theory

C. Musès

Incorporates a unified basis for both set and system theory, and also makes a clear case for topology as the science which both underlies and includes logic. Indeed, careful…


Cognitive Revolution in Management

A. Ghosal

A Cognitive Revolution in Management (CRM) has been brought about through Stafford Beer's work in management cybernetics. Explains the philosophical undertone of CRM as well as…

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