System Theory and Deepened Set Theory
Incorporates a unified basis for both set and system theory, and also makes a clear case for topology as the science which both underlies and includes logic. Indeed, careful topological analysis reveals the problems besetting the so‐called “law of the excluded middle”. Basically, the middle is there, whether we try to ostracize it or not. Interestingly, makes clear that Buddhist logicians almost two millennia before L. Brouwer's critique of formalistic proofs, had discovered the non‐exclusion of the middle term. Also discusses the related and neglected matter of the tangency between two sets, as distinct from their intersection or disjunction in a Boolean context. These renovated foundations make for new cybernetics and system theory as well.
Musès, C. (1993), "System Theory and Deepened Set Theory", Kybernetes, Vol. 22 No. 6, pp. 91-99.
Copyright © 1993, MCB UP Limited