COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering: Volume 27 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Selected papers from the 7th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, June 2006

Guest Editors: Patrick Dular, Gerard Meunier, Francis Piriou

What do voltmeters measure?

Alain Bossavit

The paper aims at justifying the operational rule “a voltmeter's reading is the electromotive force, as it existed before branching it, along the path γ traced out by the…


Electromagnetic torque calculation using magnetic network methods

Andrzej Demenko, Dorota Stachowiak

The aim of the paper is to find the effective algorithms of electromagnetic torque calculation.

Comparison between torque calculation methods in a non‐conforming movement interface

O.J. Antunes, J.P.A. Bastos, N. Sadowski

The purpose of this paper is to compare torque calculation methods when a non‐conforming movement interface is implemented by means of Lagrange multipliers.

Coupling of finite formulation with integral techniques

Aldo Canova, Fabio Freschi, Maurizio Repetto, Giambattista Gruosso

The paper aims to describe the coupling of magnetostatic finite formulation of electromagnetic field with two integral methods.

Numerical solutions in primal and dual meshes of magnetostatic problems solved with the finite integration technique

J. Korecki, Y. Le Menach, J‐P. Ducreux, F. Piriou

To compare the numerical solutions in primal and dual meshes of magnetostatic problems solved with the finite integration technique.

Identification of ferromagnetic thin sheets magnetization: Use of gradient and potential measurements

G. Cauffet, J.L. Coulomb, S. Guerin, O. Chadebec, Y. Vuillermet

This paper aims to present the use of magnetic gradient, and magnetic potential measurements in the specific case of magnetization identification for a thin sheet. Usually…

A t0‐ϕ surface impedance formulation for multiply connected conductors

G. Meunier, Y. Le Floch, C. Guérin

To model magneto‐harmonic devices including solid conductors with holes when the skin depth is very small.

Subdomain perturbation finite element method for skin and proximity effects in inductors

Patrick Dular, Ruth V. Sabariego, Laurent Krähenbühl

To develop a subdomain perturbation technique to calculate skin and proximity effects in inductors within frequency and time domain finite element (FE) analyses.

Coupling of analytical and numerical methods for the electromagnetic simulation of permanent magnet synchronous machines

M. Schöning, K. Hameyer

To reduce the computational costs for electromagnetic simulations of permanent magnet synchronous machines maintaining a high accuracy.

On the use of PML for the computation of leaky modes: An application to microstructured optical fibres

Y. Ould Agha, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, S. Guenneau

The purpose of this paper is to present a complete analysis of leaky modes within a microstructured optical fibre (MOF). Some new numerical results illustrating the versatility…

Investigation of the characteristics of conformal microstrip antennas

Ralf T. Jacobs, Arnulf Kost, Hajime Igarashi, Alan J. Sangster

The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the radiation and impedance characteristics of cavity backed patch antennas embedded in a curved surface. Single patch elements and…

Adaptive time integration for electromagnetic models with sinusoidal excitation

Galina Benderskaya, Herbert De Gersem, Wolfgang Ackermann, Thomas Weiland

To provide a reliable numerical technique for the time integration of the electromagnetic models with sinusoidal excitation.

Computational methods for modeling of complex sources

Markus Johansson, Lovisa E. Nord, Rudolf Kopecký, Andreas Fhager, Mikael Persson

The purpose of this study is to develop and compare two methods of determining the total field, including phase information, when only field amplitudes have been measured on a set…

Fundamental investigation of 3D optimal design of open type magnetic circuit producing uniform field

Norio Takahashi, Koji Akiyama, Hirokazu Kato, Kanji Kishi

To provide an approach to design the optimal open type magnetic circuit of permanent magnet producing uniform field.

Design of a double‐sided tubular permanent‐magnet linear synchronous generator for wave‐energy conversion

Danson M. Joseph, Willem A. Cronje

The purpose of this paper is to present a double‐sided tubular linear machine layout direct‐drive applications, with particular focus on wave‐energy conversion. The paper…

Magnetic shielding of buried high‐voltage (HV) cables by conductive metal plates

Peter Sergeant, Luc Dupré, Jan Melkebeek

To study the magnetic shielding of buried high‐voltage (HV) cables by adding conductive metal plates on the ground surface above the cables.

Improved AC‐resistance of multiple foil windings by varying foil thickness of successive layers

D.C. Pentz, I.W. Hofsajer

This paper aims to introduce a technique for optimizing conductor dimensions for construction of helical planar inductor windings with reduced ac‐ and dc‐resistance. The loss…

Influence of the magnetic model accuracy on the optimal design of a car alternator

J. Cros, L. Radaorozandry, J. Figueroa, P. Viarouge

The machine design with optimization method using analytical models is efficient to evaluate a large number of variables because these models are faster to solve. Nevertheless…

3D micromagnetism‐magnetostatic coupling technique for MR reading heads modeling

I. Firastrau, L.D. Buda‐Prejbeanu, J.C. Toussaint, J‐P. Nozières

The purpose of this paper is to develop an original approach to simulate the reading process for multitrack shielded magneto‐resistive reading (MR) heads.

Analysis of the stray magnetic field created by faulty electrical machines

V.P. Bui, O. Chadebec, L‐L. Rouve, J‐L. Coulomb

This paper aims to compute the magnetic stray field created by faulty electrical machines.

Analysis of the structure‐dynamic behaviour of an induction machine with balancing kerfs

C. Schlensok, K. Hameyer

To present results of research closely linked with real life applications. It resumes work of a period of about two years.

Wound magnetic core consequences on false residual currents

B. Colin, A. Kedous‐Lebouc, C. Chillet, P. Mas

Geometric or magnetic anomalies in the wound magnetic core of a residual current circuit breaker can be responsible of its abnormal tripping. The purpose of this paper is to…

Limits and rules of use of a dynamic flux tube model

Marie‐Ange Raulet, Fabien Sixdenier, Benjamin Guinand, Laurent Morel, René Goyet

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main assumption of a dynamic flux tube model and to define its rules of use.

Finite element formalism for micromagnetism

H. Szambolics, L.D. Buda‐Prejbeanu, J.C. Toussaint, O. Fruchart

The aim of this work is to present the details of the finite element approach that was developed for solving the Landau‐Lifschitz‐Gilbert (LLG) equations in order to be able to…

A 3D electric vector potential formulation for dynamic hysteresis and losses

O. Maloberti, V. Mazauric, G. Meunier, A. Kedous‐Lebouc

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the dynamic hysteresis and losses of soft magnetic materials in numerical computation of high‐sensitive devices.

New discretisation scheme based on splines for volume integral method: Application to eddy current testing of tubes

Christophe Reboud, Denis Prémel, Dominique Lesselier, Bernard Bisiaux

A numerical model dedicated to external eddy current inspection of tubes has been developed using the volume integral method (VIM). The purpose of this paper is to suggest new…

Hybridization of volumetric and surface models for the computation of the T/R EC probe response due to a thin opening flaw

Léa Maurice, Denis Prémel, József Pávó, Dominique Lesselier, Alain Nicolas

The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of simulation tools dedicated to eddy current non destructive testing (ECNDT) on planar structures implying planar…

Simple and direct calculation of capacitive sensor sensitivity map

Jérôme Lucas, Stéphane Holé, Christophe Bâtis

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a rapid method for calculating capacitive sensor signal variations for any small permittivity or electrode modifications at any position…


h‐ and b‐conform finite element perturbation techniques for nondestructive eddy current testing

Ruth V. Sabariego, Patrick Dular

The aim of the present paper is to compare the performances of a finite‐element perturbation technique applied either to the h‐ conform magnetodynamic formulation or to its b‐

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  • Prof Jan Sykulski