Online Review: Volume 3 Issue 4

Table of contents

The development of commercially available databases in Europe

Alex Tomberg

The post‐war database revolution was triggered by ‘missions’ like health and nucleonics. In the last 10 years, the emphasis in databases has shifted from science and technology to…


The U.S. Congress — online users as policymakers

N. Gregory

During the past decade, the United States Congress has developed a wide array of online information databases and correspondence tracking systems. The legislators in Washington…


Online services in the Executive Office of the President

Sarah T. Kadec, Rhoda Mancher

The Executive Office of the President's Office of Administration has restructured its informational organizational components to provide for better integration of information…


The Globe and Mail database — a Canadian first

Mary M. Nash

There are many databases containing newspaper items available today. The Globe and Mail database is the first example of the entire text of a major daily newspaper available…


Planning search strategies for maximum retrieval from bibliographic databases

Arthur L. Adams

Methods for designing search strategies for maximum recall are discussed including minimizing the number of concepts intersected, isolating key subtopics, adapting the strategy to…


Methods for chemical substance searching online I. The basics

Charles Oppenheim

This paper describes the principles behind some of the search method possibilities for online chemical databases. In a subsequent paper, the actual methods available will be…


Online user forum

Gerri G. Lawrence

As this column originated in the desire to provide a forum of discussion on topics essential to online user groups, it is timely to consider for a moment the role of online user…


Search corner

Results of Conference Papers Index Competition. The entries for this search corner contest were very varied and interesting. There was much discussion among the judges concerning…



Lockheed's Dialorder: document delivery at last. “From the early days of online database searching, we knew we were only wetting the appetites of users for information,” Dr. Roger…


Videotex news

TeleData The 3‐year trial period of TeleData, the Norwegian version of videotex, is underway in the industrial sector. Some 20 companies are taking part and they will be joined in…




Online date, start – end:

1977 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited