Online Review: Volume 11 Issue 1

Table of contents

Tenth International Online Information Meeting London, 2–4 December 1986

Martin S White

In ten years' time the CD‐ROM version of the Oxford English dictionary may well contain a number of entries for ‘online’, one of them being:



STN adds major system enhancements. STN International, a scientific and technical network, has added major new system enhancements to reduce time and simplify searching…



This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/eb044729. When citing the article, please…


Book review: Genealogy & computers.

Charles Clement, editor, American Library Association, Chicago & London, 1986, 59 pages, ISBN 0–8389–3328–9 More Americans are searching for their ancestors than ever before in…


First Netherlands Online Information Conference

Charles Citroen

On 22 and 23 October, the first Netherlands Online Information Conference was organised under the auspices of the Association of Librarians, Documentalists and Information…


Online throughout the product/technology life cycle

Lou Ann Frey, Ann Lee

Products have a distinct life cycle, beginning with conception of new technology and ending with the decline and eventual discontinuation of a product as new products replace it…


Marketing Electronic Information

Lizzie Davenport, Blaise Cronin

In an earlier article we surveyed the convergence and integration of major players in the information industry. The trend towards vertical integration, which can be observed in…


International comparative price guide to databases online

The directory includes only the major bibliographic databases that are offered by more than one online service; ‘sole suppliers’ have not been listed as no comparison is possible.




Online date, start – end:

1977 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited