Online Review: Volume 12 Issue 1
Table of contents
Orbit adds new databases. The following new databases have been added to the Orbit Search Service:
Online databases as sources of linguistic information
Hikomaro SanoThis report discusses the various types of linguistic information readily obtainable from online databases which are generally used for acquisition of technical information. There…
Computer Database Advice Centre: the development of a new user service
James Shearer, Sue CapornSince its establishment in September 1986 at Ealing College of Higher Education, CDAC has presented seminars to selected groups of potential end users of online services — charity…
Computer database searching and business librarians
Aubrey W. KendrickThis article reports the results of a survey of computer database searching activities by business librarians. The survey shows that over half of business librarians search…
The Multifile Multidisciplinary (Horizontal) Search approach — justification and principles
Jacob BarThe Multifile Multidisciplinary (Horizontal) Search (MMS) approach to searching online databases, is characterised by the use of an especially large number of files spanning a…
Word Finder: Electronic thesaurus
Povl LasboWord Finder is recommended for those who use a personal computer for writing materials such as reports, manuals, and letters, in which careful choice of words is important. It is…
Textbank: Text searching and retrieval
Gerald LundeenTextbank is a full‐text retrieval package that makes use of the structure inherent in most text files. It offers powerful, rapid searching capabilities and is very easy to use…
PaperChase: For Medline searching
Sue StiglemanPaperChase is a Medline searching system designed for use by physicians and other health care professionals and students. It offers searching by subject headings, title words…