Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 5 Issue 1
Table of contents
Evaluating a Management‐Development Skills Programme in Local Government
J.M. HarriesAs a result of the fundamental reorganisation of local government functions, boundaries and structures implemented in 1974, the UK's Local Government Training Board launched a…
The Kilkea Design: — a proven formula for on international development Workshop
Tom LyonsThis workshop was designed for a predetermined number of participants drawn from many different parts of Europe. Within the programme delegates in preselected groups undertook…
Using Internship for Action Learning
W.P. AnthonyOne of the challenges of HRD is to identify promising students of management, and provide them with the kinds of apprenticeships which provide a test of whether the student is…
Career Self‐Management for the Mature Executive
Michael J. WeatherleyThe aim of this article is to explain one of the interventions—known as Career Development Conferences—being made by the Training Services Division (TSD) of the Manpower Services…
Leadership Development—: Towards on Interpersonal Skills Training Programme
Beverly Alban MetcalfeUniversities, business schools and other interested research bodies have produced a plethora of data and theories on the subject of leadership which managers have, from time to…