Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 32 Issue 2/3
Table of contents - Special Issue: European vocational education and training: concepts, experiences and prospects
Guest Editors: Philipp Grollmann, Georg Spttl
European vocational education and training: a prerequisite for mobility?
Felix RaunerThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the internationalisation of nearly all spheres of society and the process of European integration will be leading to the…
Can performance‐related learning outcomes have standards?
Michaela Brockmann, Linda Clarke, Christopher WinchThis paper aims to explain the distinction between educational standards and learning outcomes and to indicate the problems that potentially arise when a learning outcomes…
European qualifications framework: Weighing some pros and cons out of a French perspective
Annie BouderThe purpose of this paper is to question the appropriateness of a proposal for a new European Qualifications Framework. The framework has three perspectives: historical;…
Towards a European qualifications framework: some cautionary observations
Michael YoungThis paper aims to provide a critical analysis of the European Commission's and the member states' attempts to introduce a European Qualifications Framework and national…
Professional competence as a benchmark for a European space of vocational education and training
Philipp GrollmannThe paper's aim is to present a critical review of the current European process of co‐operation in VET with a special view to the European Qualification Framework and its…
Ways toward a European vocational education and training space: a “bottom‐up” approach
Jessica Blings, Georg SpöttlThis paper seeks to concentrate on bottom‐up approaches in order to promote a European vocational education and training (VET) concept. The overall aim of this article is to…
Putting Dreyfus into action: the European credit transfer system
Jörg Markowitsch, Karin Luomi‐Messerer, Matthias Becker, Georg SpöttlThe purpose of this article is to look closely at the development of a European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). The European Commission…
VET in the European aircraft and space industry
Rainer BremerThis article aims to take up a mirror image‐oriented position of the EQF and the announced ECVET system. It seeks to be concerned with the effects that the EQF transformation…
Evaluating progress of European vocational education and training systems: indicators in education
Uwe LauterbachThe quality of an education system or a comparative international assessment refers more and more to quantitative parameters, i.e. “educational indicators”. The paper aims to…
Vocational education and training in Europe: An alternative to the European qualifications framework?
The purpose of this paper is to address the development of a European architecture of vocational education and promotes and alternative proposal.