Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 17 Issue 6
Table of contents
Overcoming the Barriers to Organization Excellence
Bruce NixonThere is increasing recognition that quality and value are linkedto the quality of life within the organization. Frequently this isacknowledged in admirable mission statements and…
Corporate Culture or Customer Care: Where Does the Buck Stop?
Anthony R. BennettOffers some new and different insights into the field of managementdevelopment. Begins by inviting the reader to consider that bottom‐lineprofit results are influenced by the…
A New Approach to Management Education in Poland
John ReedManagement education courses are being developed at the LublinBusiness School, Poland in collaboration with the Lancashire BusinessSchool of the University of Central Lancashire…
Competence‐based Qualifications: A Way Forward
Jim Stewart, Bob HamlinThird and last of a series of articles examining the case forcompetence‐based qualifications in the UK. Reviews the previous twoarticles prior to identifying strengths in the…
Waking up to Reality: The Labour Market in Eastern Germany
Thomas LangeAttempts a stocktaking of the labour market in the collapsingeconomy of the former GDR, with a brief outline of recent developments.Instead of extensive theorizing, describes and…