Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 17 Issue 1
Table of contents
Health Care and Higher Education: The Diary Approach for Management Development
Ian Chaston, Beryl Badger, Terry ManglesA project to determine employee development needs of PlymouthPolytechnic and Derriford Hospital NHS senior technicians revealedemployer and employee variance in opinions over…
Advice and Training Support for the Small Firms Sector in West Yorkshire
Sandra Hogarth‐Scott, Mark A. JonesThe objectives of this research were an assessment of the supportand training needs of small businesses in the Bradford region of WestYorkshire, and an assessment of the small…
Training Needs Assessment: An ″Open‐systems″ Application
Samuel B. McClellandTraining needs assessments (TNAs) have become a popular andvaluable tool in the human resource development profession. Whenproperly designed and administered, a TNA will provide a…
MCI and the Competency Movement: The Case So Far
Stefan WillsThe Management Charter Initiative (MCI) has now been in existencefor several years. Its major objective is to promote the notion of“competency” and facilitate the introduction of…
Changing Performance Requirements: Consequences for New Training Schemes
Jan N. Streumer, Andries FeterisDiscusses the concept of “integrating management” withrespect to the development of a new approach to training in the DutchDepartment of Public Works; tertiary technical education…