Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 16 Issue 5


Table of contents

Viewpoint: Training and Development′s Worst Enemies – You and Management

John Sinclair, David Collins

Discusses the major difficulties facing human resource developmentin organizations with respect to the role of training and developmentpersonnel who are seen to have been forced…


Developing People for Real: Some Issues and Approaches

Roger Bennett

Identifies ten key issues in “people development” andshows how these are addressed by three real companies. Describes twolearner‐centred approaches to development.

Opening Both Eyes on Leadership Training

John van Maurik

Examines different approaches to leadership training currentlybeing practised and assesses whether they meet participants′ needs.Discusses the ideas of leading writers on…

Evaluation and Validation: A Mixed Approach

Colin Talbot

Evaluation of training is observed more in theory than in practice.The literature contains a great deal of confusion over terminology, withdiffering approaches to training and…

Corporate Transformation: The People Requirement

Colin Coulson‐Thomas

Summarizes the findings of three recent surveys. Presents themanagement qualities required for successful corporate transformation,and stresses the importance of both clear vision…



Online date, start – end:

1977 – 2011

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Emerald Publishing Limited