Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 16 Issue 3
Table of contents
From Training to Consulting: The Team Dimension
Keri PhillipsWhen a training team moves towards consultancy then the pressurespulling it apart often increase, just when it needs to be at its mostcohesive. Explores this dynamic, considering…
A Continuous Development Approach to Training Health Service Personnel Specialists
Derek Torrington, Denise Waite, Jane WeightmanCompetency analysis for training and development remainscontroversial and varied in both interpretation and application.Research for the North Western Regional Health Authority…
Research Report: Hospitality Graduate and Diplomate Labour Market Experiences
Noreen E.J. Orr, Anna E. Murray, Margaret A. McKennaThe labour market experience of graduates and diplomates is asubject currently being explored in the United Kingdom. Reports on thefindings of a study undertaken in Northern…
The Role of Training in Total Quality Implementation
Paul Walley, Emil KowalskiRecent research shows that, despite a number of companies claimingsuccess for their total quality (TQ) programmes, most programmes arefailing to achieve their objectives because…