Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 15 Issue 7
Table of contents
Research Report: Cost‐effectiveness of Curriculum Revision
M. Mulder, W.E. Spitholt, A.M.C. BarentsThe findings of a study on the cost‐effectiveness of usingcomputer‐based training (CBT) in the Post branch of the Dutch PTT arereported. A cost‐effectiveness model is drawn from…
Management Training and Development in Large UK Business Organisations
Harbridge Consulting Group LtdOrganisations are more professional in their approach to managementdevelopment than they were ten years ago – but they are still notplanning enough for the future, according to a…
Information Systems and Management Training
B. Curry, D.G. SmithThis article stems from work carried out by the authors at amanufacturing company in South Wales. There are two main themes. Thefirst concerns the need for companies to adopt an…
Television – Business Tool of the Future
Andrew CroftsTelevision, the most powerful informational and educational tool tobe invented since the printing press, is finally realising itspotential. It can now provide a medium for two‐way…
Eight Steps to the Successful Appointment of a Training Consultant
Philip LewisThis article examines the process of setting up a contract betweenthe training manager and the training consultant. It argues that thepotential for the training event, that is the…