Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 15 Issue 2
Table of contents
Management Trainees in the Hotel Industry: What Do Managers Expect?
Tom BaumThe recruitment of quality management is an issue of paramountimportance to the hotel industry in all major tourism destinations andthe educational sector is the main provider of…
Characterising Stress. Part 1: The Range of Stress Reactions
Roger StuartThis two‐part article starts by summarising the “story ofstress” as developed in the training and development literatureand presented on courses for stress management. The story…
Training for Enterprise Development: The Enterprise Agency Network
Martin Gibson, Maureen SloanThe work of local enterprise agencies in the UK and the importantrole which an effective training programme can make to their continueddevelopment is assessed. Important changes…
Managing Networking – The Design and Dynamics of IMC
Gordon WillsThe growth and dynamics of International Management Centres between1982‐1990 as a network of management development providers is described.The exchange characteristics of the IMC…