New Library World: Volume 97 Issue 6
Table of contents
Web information quality as seen from the libraries
Helge ClausenDiscusses different types of quality problems having their roots in the Internet and some possible solutions. Gives a provisional definition of “World Wide Web information…
Electronic journals on library and information science
Jagtar Singh, Fytton Rowland, Jack MeadowsLibrarians and information workers obviously are interested in electronic journals as a means of providing information to their customers. At the same time, members of the…
US information superhighway: an in‐depth analysis
Christopher Wodzisz, Sooun Lee, David C. YenArgues that, although the information superhighway will encounter obstacles on the road to becoming fully implemented, there is enough support for this communication delivery…
Norfolk and Norwich Central Library: the emerging phoenix
Hilary HammondDescribes the aftermath and losses incurred by the fire which destroyed the Norfolk and Norwich Central Library in 1994. Discusses the short, medium and long‐term decisions which…