New Library World: Volume 96 Issue 4
Table of contents
The Nordic Information Quality project: the final report
Helge ClausenPresents a guide for development of certifiable quality managementsystems for the library and information sector. The project wassupported by NORDINFO and was carried out in…
Icons and OPACs
Mubarak Suaiman, Jack MeadowsDetermines whether iconic interfaces might work with online publicaccess catalogues (OPACs), and assesses problems which studentsencounter in using icons. Students from the UK and…
Managing change in school libraries
Anthony TilkeExplores the development of a major library building, costing£2 million, at Oakham School, Rutland. Looks at the management ofchange for the facility to operate effectively and…
Searching CD‐ROM databases for non‐English‐speaking users
Manal Al‐Qaisi, S. Nazim AliDescribes how access to English‐language information bynon‐English‐speaking students and faculty at a Middle Eastern universityis being facilitated by making available a variety…
Towards 2000
Ross ShimmonLooks at the future of libraries as we approach the year 2000, andthe changing nature of information technology. Argues that there is aneed for libraries and the people who work…