New Library World: Volume 96 Issue 3
Table of contents
An idealist’s charter for public libraries
David OwenIf there is such a thing as the “public librarymovement”, where is it today and where is it going? Discusses themotive forces that shape its values and beliefs and how they differ…
Beyond the sword of Damocles: challenges facing school library services
Gordon DickinsSchool library services (SLSs) have faced a tremendous period ofchange since the late 1980s, much of it resulting from the EducationReform Act which brought about the national…
The library, the bookshop and the literature centre
Robert WaltersThe rationale of the public library as provider of works of theimagination is usually given as secondary to that of information.Examining the differing roles of libraries and…
Thriving amid chaos: health care and library services in the 1990s
Michael CarmelDescribes the fundamental structural changes taking place in theNHS and health care education and how these affect the provision oflibrary services. Defines the strategies adopted…
Academic libraries in the information society
Sheila CorrallThe way that higher education library services are viewed, plannedand managed must change radically if they are to survive and thrive inthe future. Advances in technology…
The librarian at the end of the galaxy
Ross ShimmonAssesses the future of libraries and librarians regarding theimpact of technology; presents evidence for and against their decline.Particular points made include: the example of a…