New Library World: Volume 94 Issue 3
Table of contents
Shared Cataloguing: The Way Forward
Ross BourneCurrency with Coverage continues to raise great passion among the bibliographic community. However, the measures introduced to help reduce the British Library's cataloguing costs…
The virtual catalogue: Bibliographic access for the virtual library
Toby BurrowsProposes a new model of bibliographic access, the virtualcatalogue, to serve the virtual library. Suggests the use of currentsoftware and networks to build links between…
Books and educational resources in nigeria: Availability, pricing factors and users
Emmanuel M.K. DawhaAppraises the status of availability of educational resources suchas books and related resources. Personal involvemental, observationalstudy of the situation with a documentary…
Vision statement
Three years ago, Derek Law and I wrote a conference paper in which we questioned what we saw as our profession's uncritical embracing of CD‐ROM technology. In its published form…
Wilfred Ashworth, Ian PettmanYOUR VERY OWN CD‐ROM CD‐ROM disks can hold a great deal of information, 600Mb in fact, and there is now no shortage of available titles on almost any subject under the sun, and…
Book donations and their relevance to the third world
Japhet N. OtikeAttempts to examine in detail the subject of book aid and its rolein overcoming the problems associated with scarcity of informationmaterials in developing countries. Highlights…
The effect of economic recession on university libraries in Nigeria: The case of the Kenneth Dike library
Georgina Dien EkpenyongThe economic recession in university libraries in Nigeria hasresulted in acute frustration for research students and academia. In theKenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, it…