New Library World: Volume 93 Issue 2
Table of contents
Wilfred AshworthAn interesting article by Nick Smith, Head of Information Services at Aston University, appears in Information World Review, No. 65, December 1991, pp. 21–3. The underlying…
Collection development through exchanges: The experience of the third world
Japhet OtikeProvides a detailed account of the predicament of exchangelibrarians in developing countries. Publishing activity is relativelyunderdeveloped forcing the majority of the states to…
A sense of direction: Librarianship and CPD
Mike FreemanThe arrival of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in thepublic consciousness of librarianship is a relatively new phenomenon,spurred on by rapid change in the information…
Charging for on‐line services: Current library practices
Carolyn WaiteExamines the contentious area of charging for on‐line services.Covers both the theoretical aspects and the practical application of theservices through a review of library…
Vision statement
Scientific and technical special libraries — encouraging intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial attitudes. In many nations of the developed world science and technology funding has…